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  1. N

    Do you think I'll get a pound off 1 plant?

    we should have a wall of fame thread and i think this one is up near the top spot. +10 to realstyles
  2. N

    First Grow check it out

    what sought of pot you got the plant in
  3. N

    advice please

    you have a nute problem by the looks of it but im curious as to the pot you have it in. the white one ever i am smoking to much or i can see your trousers through it as the light from i guess your window to the left of it. now im no rocket scientist but light and roots dont mix if i were you id...
  4. N

    My lil box (need a suggestion)

    i wouldnt attempt to put a high wattage output light in that box untill you can comprehend the amount of heat that comes off one of those lights and you will roast those babys with in half hour without good ventalation to much and well your stalk will be like the size of your arms and your roots...
  5. N

    My First Attempt. w/ Pics. Help Needed

    toppping during veg cycle stops the plant from growing upwards. make sure you get the cut right
  6. N

    My First Attempt. w/ Pics. Help Needed

    lights seem fine 6500k was your best bet but there ok keep them close to the top not to close to burn them. your plants are all skinny and spindley as there stretching for the light and you will have problems later on when the buds will be to heavy for the stem to support
  7. N

    i got a complicated question??????

    switch the plant under different light souces is going to cause a lot of stress to the plant and a 14hr cycle will induce the flowering cycle depending on strain you can get away with 17 hr light without triggering but you will no doubt turn your females into a lady boy yes a hemafrodite. yes...
  8. N

    best bug repellent?

    grow rooms are never clean or bug free or fungal spore free unless your intake is 100% clean which i doubt it. as for bug pest's well as to which ones well ladybirds or lady bugs as the yanks call it help a lot with aphids or money spiders eat what we call pest in a grow room or use an organic...
  9. N

    My lil box (need a suggestion)

    why have your lights got a purple tinge to it is it in the colour spec of 6500k and i wouldnt use hps or mh in that tiny space and if you did id use a aerolight as to suck the heat out. if you top your plant at about 1 foot tall and just as you see the new pistols emerge stick it under flowering...
  10. N

    Need some help, pics included

    bring the ph a tad lower to around 6 to 6.5 will sought it out and keep temp to 22to 26 celcius should do the trick
  11. N

    My First Attempt. w/ Pics. Help Needed

    what colour are your bulbs and you should of got them in the 6500k region
  12. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    use the tap water but MAKE SURE your nute is for hard water areas and wash on the flush every 1 to 2 weeks you should flush as a norm
  13. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    great now depending on the concentration of the phosphoric acid normally in grow shops its 20% you only need about 3 or 4 drops in about 5 gallons or so to bring it to right ph test it after each drop shake it up aswell. once your medium is flushed the ph will be about the same as your flush...
  14. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    rainwater is ok to use but do you want to risk your say 10 plants on the hunch that it aint got dissolved salt from pollution or lead additives from rolling down roofs or algae or moid and fungus spores like cowboylogic said he uses it all the time yes but do we all live in your area you have to...
  15. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    dolomite is the right way to go about it then go for it the time it takes that to work your plants will be dead. dolomite is a buffer and so is your medium as it gives you time to react if such a case happeneds. you cant keep putting dolomite on your soil every time your ph goes out and by the...
  16. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    7.5 is still far to high your in the akaline part of the scale you MJ needs acidic 6 to 7
  17. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    flush your plants for 2 days with ph tested 6 water with a ppm of 50 using a acid (phosphoric acid 20 %) as your in flower stage. then ph test your feed the second before you put it in. make sure you wash out all that salt build up. what we mean by salt build up is not in so much the container...
  18. N

    Problems with leaves, organic

    you have a ph lockout for sure. you think your plants should have a ph of 8 well i think your in the wrong business m8 and your plan of action to recover them are well flawed. and to think a large water container stops a salt build up and any ph problem says to me you aint got a clue! but your...
  19. N

    What are wrong with my BABIES ?? ( Weird Issues )

    increase the fans and lower your daylight temp by 5 degrees and keep night the same. check your hydro feed and the ph it states the nutes are available to the plants. is your area hard or soft water as your hydro feed should reflect this. both are right about Nitro def and light burn but seen as...
  20. N

    Having bud problems

    out of curiosity do you spray your plants? if so do you spray during flowering? if so depending on how much you sprayed and whether you over saturated the plant water collects in the buds and nodes during flowering and well moist warmth areas are prone to mold and fungus. best way get it under...