Need some help, pics included


ok, so my plants are now about a month old started from seedling's, but one plant, the biggest shows drooping leaves, and brown dryness it looks like. Am I missing somthing or doing somthing wrong? They are currently in fox farms light warrior soil, and I just moved them to mh bulb two nights ago (they were like this under my t5, so i know its not light)..I have just begun adding fertilizer at a ppm of 250 last week. The ph is just under neutral (distilled water). They have only been fed once, and I was going to start every other watering, or every two waterings. I have a moisture meter I use for watering since eyeing it was too hard for me....the digital reader it betweeen 0-9. I followed the tomato guide when watering, and water when soil when it is at about. Any suggestions would rock - thanks guys....temp and humidity pic shown as well



the humidity is at 64 and temp you can see, they are starting to loose that nice deep green look.....need more noots?


Well-Known Member
Those are definitely missing something! My plants are reasonably younger but have grown a lot more stocky stems and have loads more leaves and all.
The light if anything, is an improvement. The humidity and temp are both ok, but could be lowered still!
Try keep the temp at about 75 and the humidity down to about 55%. small exhaust fan will help do both tasks!
The dull colour of the plants signals the need for some nutrients. I use a fertiliser with NPK 19 all around, plus trace elements and minerals.
Most people seem to go for heavier Nitrate ferts for veg stages.

The browned tips of your plants may be heat damage. How close did the leaves get to the lamp? My tips began to burn once! Try get that heat down a bit! It can only get hotter the more the plants grow.


The t5 was about and inch from them, but only 24watt 2000lumen, pretty light...Im thinking your right with the noots, the one browning was started in soil, and didnt get any noots until after 2weeks atleast. should I will start doing every other watering? im using a 6-4-4 npk ratio from organicfox farms....


Well-Known Member
I would not overdo it. The plants are still rather young, but more so, undeveloped at this time.

I would feed them, for one, at half strength (of recommended nute dosages) once every 4 days.

I personally use plain water to water my plants. I leave whatever nutrients are in the soil to do their biz.
I also use a balanced fertiliser NPK 19,19,19, inclusive of all trace nutrients. I use this in solution as a foliar feed twice a week. Plants are liking it!