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  1. P

    Liquid Karma

    i use it on both my babies and my house plants. it encourages new growth and is awesome to use when u transplant
  2. P

    HTGSupply MH/HPS Light Set up

    ive got a 600 from htg in my closet/cab thats an air cooled hood. i have one fan blowing thru that and an exaust fan for the room with an intake pulling air from outside temps are fine and plants are happy
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    Stem Problems Reall Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it wouldnt be a bad idea to cover those roots up either
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    ozium if i were to put one of those time release ozium deals in my cab when i vent my space should i need a scrubber to?
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    thanx alot man!!
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    ok it may sound dumb but after i soak my seeds and the taproot comes out do i bury that? or is this the stem and top of my plant and should be exposed
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    if i were to put one of those time release ozium deals in my cab when i vent my space should i need a scrubber to?
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    infrared cameras

    what if ur using an air cooled light u should be fine yes?
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    when is a good time/average temp

    i live in north western oregon, i was thinkin about sartin some of my little girls inside and then putting them outside and let them get nice and big when would be a good time next year to put them out so i know when to get em goin? thanx for all your guys help
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    clone nutes

    i cut clones 3 days ago they r in soil in party cups. would it b cool to add a trace amount of liquid karma or pure blend veg??
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    clone ?

    i took 2 clones yesterday, put them under 4 cfls for 24/0. i got the clones in those red kegger cups and came up with and idea 2 put ziploc bags over the top of the cups. good idea for humidity?
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    stating low pro

    do u guys think its a bad idea to buy supplies off ebay as opposed to using an online grow shops. can leo trace files between 2 private ppl?
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    dwc question

    i havent started to grow yet im just thinking of ne questions now so i can write it down and have a reference but thanx for the info man
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    liquid or powdered? anything better? can u mix?
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    dwc question

    when i am cleaning my res or checking my ph etc. or whenever i take my lid off do i need to transfer my plants and roots to another res if so what should i put in it, if not should i make a rack to hold the lid? thankx guys!
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    ozone generators?

    i havent read into them that much i wanted to get the take of some professionals. what do ya guys think? worth it?
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    Dwc setup

    they will be in 3in net pots btw. also using clones so tangling up wont be a prob
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    Dwc setup

    or what if i just used the whole space and run the complete cycle in there w/o separating. would a 14 gal tote be enough for 7 plants? if so what would be a good light combo? i was thinkin flourescent t-5's then an hps ne wattage suggestions
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    Dwc setup

    thanks 4 the valuble info man. how do i pull air from my light vent if its enclosed and pulling from outside and flowing out of my room.
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    Dwc setup

    i got a 22"x40" space i was wondering what would be a good height to make it? im splitting the 40in in half for veg flower. im using a 600w hps for flower with an air coolable reflector (also do i still need ventilation system if i use a cool light?) and flourescent for veg, prolly cfls since 2...