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  1. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    need help with my plants ASAP plz!

    As stated earlier, not every little brown spot or curled leaf is a problem and your plant looks really good overall. One thing I did spot however, "flushed with tap water" if its city water let it sit for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate out. Chlorine will make your plants very unhappy.
  2. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Best pH Pen for the $$$$

    I use the Eutech Instruments, ECO TESTR ph1, and I have no complaints.
  3. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Nute burn spreading wild, affecting whole plant.

    Sorry to see your having a problem with your plant. It's always a pain to get ahead of a problem once it starts. Looking at your pictures I agree that you have a nut. burn problem. Now you just need to find out why. An earlier post said to test the run off water Ph and I agree that's the best...
  4. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    bc seed king

    Used them before, great shipping and trusted with cash. Just not sure you get the strain you order. Have in the past planted several of their strains and all the plants seem identical in characteristics. Not bad stuff, I've just always wondered.
  5. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Light Leaks

    Expanding spray foam is your friend. $4.00 a can at Home Depot.
  6. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Misting Systems

    I was wondering what the groups feelings were toward misting systems? I found that (in my experience) that misted plants produce better crystal on the buds. My question before I put out the money for a full system has anybody run into any issues like mold or rot? All ideas are welcome. Thanks in...
  7. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Serious Question About Sex

    As a person who may or may not be in the medical professions. This is not an easy one solution problem. There are many different reasons for this problem. Age, health, experience, mental issues the list could go on. However from the wording and vocabulary used in the post I’m going to...
  8. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Strong Women...

    Ok, true story. I once dated a girl who was on the University of Michigan women’s crew team (rowing). She was 5’11” blond, blue eyed and exceptionally attractive…..but she had a strength that I have encountered in no other woman. I won’t say bulky but defiantly cut...
  9. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Worried about BCseedking.

    Hi everybody. To the point, I’ve been using BCseedking for awhile now and I have never had any reason to fault them. However, the last batch of seeds I ordered had 16% female seed ratio, this is the average from five different varieties I ordered. Second, to that I’m fairly sure all...
  10. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    burned bud with light should i do anything to it?

    A light burn from a CFL may not look pretty but it shouldn't hurt anything. Best of luck with your grow.
  11. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    So I read...

    You learn something new every day in that case. Thx
  12. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    So I read...

    My Mom always told me not to believe everything you read.
  13. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    certain strains....

    BCseedking (in my opinion) has a great strain called the Purps, sort of sounds like what you’re looking for. I've also had experiences with their Northern Lights, Kush, and White Widow all of which I was totally satisfied with. I did try their Ice but I don't recommend it, very unstable...
  14. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    certain strains....

    If you look at all the seed banks out there you would think that there are hundreds of types of plants available.......there aren't. The majority of your banks will give "their" version a different name so they can have a unique product. Yes there are crosses out there but when it comes down to...
  15. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Fem White Rhino coming out male??

    Looks like a male from here, but another day or two won't hurt just to be sure. I'd look at your Ph as the cause first instead of the lights. Plus, a few males will pop up in fem seeds to, its just nature and you can't fight it.......ya it sucks but thats life. Best of luck with the rest of your...
  16. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Help me guys,plants are spotting and turning yellow/pale green

    What soil are you using? I've seen plants like that before. They were grown in a soil meant for mushrooms (cheap stuff from home depot).
  17. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Love Triangle Problem

    huh? really! First, if your worried about saying the wrong thing, then don't say anything. Second, why post this?
  18. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Anyone else go through sexual perf. anxiety?

    Just a quick note; Buspirone (Buspar) falls under a classification of antianxiety, sedative. Under its listed side effects there is a sepecific listing of "change in Libido". When a drug lists a side effect this way it means that during trials sexual health was a reported issue. Most drugs can...
  19. HEwhowalksbehindtherows

    Anyone else go through sexual perf. anxiety?

    My advice would be to hit the gym. Yes, that sounds funny but the benefits of physical strength and health are far reaching. A regular work out regimen will stabilize mood swings with the release of endorphins, increase testosterone levels, and put on a little muscle mass (which the ladies...