need help with my plants ASAP plz!

i have a white widow x big bud and liberty haze that is a month old they getting rust spots and dying leaf tip/ ridges on them and im not sure what the problem is.. im using fox farm OF soil and the fox farm trio nutes ph'd at only putting 1tsp to every half gal.. i have a 400watt MH about 2 foot above the plants ...air circulation temps range from 77- 84 f... 24/7 light ...i included some pics of the WWxBB if you could please help me b4 the plant goes to hell...THANK YOU


thanks for the reply... ive been going through guide after guide reading and checking out the pics i just cant seem pin point it...i thought it could have been over fert so yesterday i flushed it with 6.8 ph'd tap there anything else you could think of what i could do?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well at this stage your not doing too bad, shes lush and green so she`ll recover soon, just keep your eye on the affected leaves and those close by, as if it starts to spread these will be affected first..

maybe another flush if you think the first hasn`t done the job .. but have to say, don`t worry about every little thing, sometimes you get these things here and there a plant will have spotty leaves etc ....

thats a fine example of a cannabis plant your doing well....;)


Well-Known Member
i have a white widow x big bud and liberty haze that is a month old they getting rust spots and dying leaf tip/ ridges on them and im not sure what the problem is.. im using fox farm OF soil and the fox farm trio nutes ph'd at only putting 1tsp to every half gal.. i have a 400watt MH about 2 foot above the plants ...air circulation temps range from 77- 84 f... 24/7 light ...i included some pics of the WWxBB if you could please help me b4 the plant goes to hell...THANK YOU
Looks like calcium def... do you have gnats flying around? if you do some times the larvae eating the roots can cause that problem on the leaves
thanks ae86 .... them spots have been traveling up for about a week maybe week and a half ill give it a few days since i flushed it....
shnazul23 - if its calcium what will i need to do to fix that up? i dont have any gnats flying around..every now and then ill see a a fly in there but i catch em right up and send them outside..



Are you sure you don't have spider mites? I had the same problem a few months ago, and it turned out that it was those little buggers.
i just got done adding some baked and crushed egg shells top feed and misted the soil a bit... i also added a spoon full of crushed eggshells to a cup of water i boiled it all together ph'd at 6.8 and sprayed my plants down... im crossing my fingers hoping it fixes the problem..

BOSS- i really hope it aint spider mites ive been using a magnifier ( not the best one ) but i havent seen anything...except the rust from the top of the leaf is leaving some wierd marks under the leaf

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so how is she responding to the feeds? and be careful to spray them down or foiliage feed at lights out only.......
the rust colors are spreading higher up the plant ... the top/ and new growth of the plant is not affected tho... my light schedule is 24/7 so i cant really spray them at night.. i picked up some epsom salt also but havent used it yet... when you said cal mag was you talking about the liquid hydro mix stuff or the powder stuff you can buy at the store?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
why the 24/7.. you know they need to sleep too ....

i`d flip down to 18/6 if i was you, and give her time to heal....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the rust colors are spreading higher up the plant ... the top/ and new growth of the plant is not affected tho... my light schedule is 24/7 so i cant really spray them at night.. i picked up some epsom salt also but havent used it yet... when you said cal mag was you talking about the liquid hydro mix stuff or the powder stuff you can buy at the store?
yeah thats the stuff, but you went with the eggshells so alot more organic way to deal with it, if its cal mag problem... i`d say it was an over fert.....
As stated earlier, not every little brown spot or curled leaf is a problem and your plant looks really good overall. One thing I did spot however, "flushed with tap water" if its city water let it sit for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate out. Chlorine will make your plants very unhappy.
idk i just had them on 24/7 to try that out my last grow was 18/6 i wanted to see if there is a either on on the cal mag powder stuff at wal mart for pregnant chicks or the hydro liquid?

HEwhowalksbehindtherows- thanks for saying she looks good overall BUT these brown rusting spots aint little and staying to 1/2/3 leafs its spreading so its something to be worried about its been goin upwards on my plant for about a week to week and a half now.. i will start letting my water sit out before i hook them up for now on tho

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i never measure the ph of anything, but i do let the water sit when i can, sometimes i forget to refill the can but my waters not to bad so i can get away with it, if you think the water is an issue your best to leave it out, and i think your right once it looks like its spreading its time to start fixing it, they won`t stay green and unblemished all the way through and some minor spots and yellowing etc aren`t worth stressing about but once you see it going its time to act..

start a list of what your trying etc when and how long, just for yourself as getting problems sorted sometimes can be tricky,and the amount of info thrown at you can be overwhelming at times aswell...

and some fresh pics maybe of the infected area...