need help with my plants ASAP plz!


New Member
Its funny no one has mentioned misting or spraying causes more harm than good in most cases. When you spray do you use a wetting agent? Stop the spraying, remove the leaves that are bad and start watching your ppm levels as well as your ph.

Good luck.
i pulled off like 20 bad leaves.. boiled some eggs and used the water to hook them up with some calcium but i fucked up and forgot to ph the water just gonna ride it out ...i ordered some BOTANICARE CAL MAG PLUS so im waiting on that.. its still has rust spots on the leaves but not as bad or spreading as fast ... i havent been spraying them anymore cuz im not seeing any good come out of it .. what is a wetting agent? and i dont have a ppm meter but how would u check the soil with one?


Well-Known Member
i pulled off like 20 bad leaves.. boiled some eggs and used the water to hook them up with some calcium but i fucked up and forgot to ph the water just gonna ride it out ...i ordered some BOTANICARE CAL MAG PLUS so im waiting on that.. its still has rust spots on the leaves but not as bad or spreading as fast ... i havent been spraying them anymore cuz im not seeing any good come out of it .. what is a wetting agent? and i dont have a ppm meter but how would u check the soil with one?
A wetting agent allows liquids to actually make contact with the leafs surface and not just "sit" on it. A few drops of dishwashing soap - repeat a FEW drops of it - in a big spray bottle of water makes a decent one. I like Thanatos. Smells like I cleaned my house but does more than act as a wetting agent.


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so at least your back on track with her, she`s got good new growth and seems to have turned the corner, you changed the lights down to 18/6 so she seems to be responding to the bt of rest.....

how long more veg will you give her before the flip to 12/12???
im not really back on track with her just slower growth of rust..i actually switched the lights to 12/12 3 days ago never had them on a 18/6....ill post pics soon. also working on 2 hydro clones

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
could possibly be a bug issue or not letting the water or solution that you're spraying them with dry before its back under the light. you should always use a wetting agent whenever foliar feeding.

if i was in your shoes, i would check runoff and start from that point on to narrow down the reason why i am having issues.

also fall back from the epsom salt, your plant isn't displaying any signs of mag problems so there's no need for it.
i quit spraying my plant down a week or 2 ago ...i also use to check the run off but i was told to stop relying on the run off ph..i posted more pics on page 5 if you would check them out..i got this same post on another website and they say its mag i keep going back and forth and really not getting good results...what should the run off be?
twiz.. looks like to me you have thrips!! overall plants look great.. but those specs of yellow dots are due to pest!! look under your leaves I bet youll see it!. They are under your leaves and normally how those thrips work they hide under your leaves vien and suck the shit out of it, that why you see yellow dots on top of your leaves.. Let me know if that work!

Good luck!
well what do i need to use to cure thrips? i dont have any money at the time... and they have been like this for like 2-3 weeks and i dont see any kind of bugs on my plant but i guess ill try anything...another thing why havent they go on my other plant right next to the messed up one?
ok i added a tsp of cal mag plus to a gallon of water on the 9th of this month and they seem to get worse ...what should my water ph be to get cal and mag in my plant?