Anyone else go through sexual perf. anxiety?

Hello all,
I have recently been going through some bad anxiety and it really is messing up my sex life. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and due to marijuana making me even more of an anxious freak, I've quit smoking 1 1/2 months ago =[ That might sound bad, but I think the worst thing recently is that I can't even have sex. I can achieve a hard erection during foreplay but when I need to penetrate, I get anxious and completely go soft. This is not a one time thing as it has happened with the last 3 girls I was with(all gorgeous which doesn't help in my case GAD wise) As this has happened over and over again, it has torn apart my self confidence and self esteem as well. I am in my early 20's and have been to the doctor for numerous tests that could cause ED but they all come back clean as can be. I have looked online and I know I have sexual performance anxiety for a fact. Now I was recently put on buspar- GAD med(been 1 week) and have noticed slight improvements with my overall anxiety but full effects usually take 4-6 weeks to start. But for now, I was wondering if anything else could help me before sex... Anyone want to help me out with personal experiences in the RIU community? I have recently obtained xanax from a friend and it really puts me at ease when I have a somewhat panic attack but do you think I should try it before doin' the dirty? Any input will be appreciated and please refrain from rude, immature comments... Not like it would it hit me as this crap has brought me to an all-time low with my self confidence..
Thanks for looking
My advice would be to hit the gym. Yes, that sounds funny but the benefits of physical strength and health are far reaching. A regular work out regimen will stabilize mood swings with the release of endorphins, increase testosterone levels, and put on a little muscle mass (which the ladies really do notice). Best of luck.
Just a quick note; Buspirone (Buspar) falls under a classification of antianxiety, sedative. Under its listed side effects there is a sepecific listing of "change in Libido". When a drug lists a side effect this way it means that during trials sexual health was a reported issue. Most drugs can either increase or decrease sexual performance, this one is sort of all over the map however. I would recommend you investigate it more on your own. Try Mosby's Drug Guide for starters.


Active Member
I read up and everyone on buspar has reported increase in sex drive and inability to ejaculate.. So both of those should work in my favor ;] haha
As I said I will be hitting up the gym and doing cardio
No cover-ups lol The thought of anything sexual with another man is...eww nasty...


i can relate...after i lost my V card to a prostitute I went through some issues/depression...Lost my shit for a bit. Moreover I almost failed out of college and didnt care about much other than getting through the day and surviving...and i think i got addicted to WoW at that time lol.

This was no good for my dizzle.

I got a g/f later and I could get it up but it was nothing like it was when I was in my teens (when i still had the vcard)...I heard a good quote from an older woman pertaining to beer dick the other night..."if men drink too much before sex its like fucking a rope." This rang true to what happened to me. Permanent (temporarily) rope dick : ( It bothered me for sure but not too much because i knew it was situational and i would recover from it.

So we dated, only had sex a few months then broke it off. A few times were awesome, the rest mediocre. After this i started workin out more than I had been since my big depression incident. I was used to working out been doin it for ever. I got in the best shape of my life. Ran like 6 miles every other day and rode my bike in between. Got super fit. My weiner went back to rock hard status...Nothing beats cardio exercise. Being fit is one of the greatest feelings ever. It improves every sort of function - from brain to bodily issues.

And try some supplements if you want like horny goat weed...

And there are penis enlargement exercises that improve EQ 'erection quality' - search for "jelqing"

Good luck, you'll come around.
sounds like whisky dick! nah but seriously though that sounds like just about the worst that could happen, BUT u could always try either natural or pharmacutical remedies to keep your cock cocked. I have anxiety too, though mine is more social/stress related. i don't know if this will help u any, but maybe get head from girls before u go straight for the pussy, so u don't have to really "perform",sort of work ur way back up. oh yeah and i stick to a daily/almost daily workout routine and i have noticed increased stamina and overal better performace since i started, so that may also help u.

best of luck to u dude!

edit: i just skimmed through the last page and realised most the shit i just said has been said (OOps)