Best pH Pen for the $$$$


New Member
I use a cheapo Milwaukee 600 and I have tested it against the finest lab quality meters with it being spot on .. The problem is most meters don't have replaceable probes .. Hence the usual meter no matter the price averaging 10-15 months use at max ... I have used many and have sold them all but no matter I always prefer for the price of a probe being able to just replace the whole damn unit for peace of mind .. If you search around and they can be found for under $2o a piece


Well-Known Member
As long as your running soil or a soil-less mix.... I say get the cheapo yellow one.... its the same one Hanna and Milwaukee have/use they are all made in the same place in China and just labeled differently depending on the company that ordered them.

For $20 or less they work pretty damn well..... I have/had a black Hanna Combo meter, which has been sidelined for the last 2 years now for a cheapo yellow one. Works great thus far, if I break it oh well its given me 2 years or so of solid use and was only $20 to boot. BTW I have checked it calibration like damn near monthly and generally its spot on.... Only time it needed fixed was when the batteries died.... otherwise the worst its been off calibration was .2

Totally the best bang for the $$$ I.M.O.


Well-Known Member
I use a cheapo Milwaukee 600 and I have tested it against the finest lab quality meters with it being spot on .. The problem is most meters don't have replaceable probes .. Hence the usual meter no matter the price averaging 10-15 months use at max ... I have used many and have sold them all but no matter I always prefer for the price of a probe being able to just replace the whole damn unit for peace of mind .. If you search around and they can be found for under $2o a piece
I 2nd the Milwaukee 600...It's been good to me for over 6 months now, and cost like 19 bucks.


Well-Known Member
I already tried the "checker" by Hanna and it sucks balls. That thing is all over the place and i know i calibrated it right.


Well-Known Member
I have bought the cheapo yellow ones and a really expensive one.
I have always gone back to the drip test.

I used my drip tester to calibrate one of my failing ph testers. When it wouldn't stay calibrated I tossed it.


Ursus marijanus
I relize that but... He never said he was doing soil or hydro.. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't ph pens made for both hydro and soil?
I'm not sure of the best way to measure soil pH. But I have a tri-meter as well and consider it well-adapted for hydro. If I implied more, my bad. cn


Well-Known Member

Yeah, I'll admit it. I've been using this cheapo PoS for the last few months with absolutely no problems.

Out of the box it was off by only 0.2. I check calibration every week because I'm a paranoid fuck. Surprisingly it hasn't needed to be re-calibrated yet.

For the price (I got mine for $5.89/shipped; The price and shipping/free shipping seem to change hourly, lol) I'd gladly call this disposable and get a new one once every few months, IF it broke.


New Member
I'm not sure of the best way to measure soil pH. But I have a tri-meter as well and consider it well-adapted for hydro. If I implied more, my bad. cn
No it's cool man, I was serious I thought they made pens for soil too.
But I have test tubes with the little colored pills. Those work good too. That was 10$
Although... You don't get exact ph


Sector 5 Moderator
In my experience, FWIW, buy a cheap one; that way if you drop and break it or the tip goes bad (and it will) you're not out a lot of money. I've had one that was over $100, one that was $90 that NEVER worked, and two Milwaukee's that were about $20 or so and they worked perfectly. No need to overspend.