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  1. sandman84

    How often do I flush for nute burn? *pics*

    fuck it, ill go with your advice an dry them out, its my first grow an i never expected to go through with no problems so no worries. if this doesnt work ill just start over and learn from my mistakes, thanks for the help everyone, ill keep y'all posted
  2. sandman84

    How often do I flush for nute burn? *pics*

    well there was no problem color wise or leaves dying untill i added the fert so its got to be that my plants have burn, the leaves are turning yellow and then brown spots then DEATH so it must be due to to much nitrogen, so far i havent really gotten the answer im looking for as far as "how many...
  3. sandman84

    How often do I flush for nute burn? *pics*

    yea i was having problems with them and a few people on here thought i had a nitrogen problem so i added blood meal to give them a boost unfortunately it wasnt a nute problem, i was over watering, thus no i have nute burn, ive stopped feeding nutes and have treid to scrap out as much as i could...
  4. sandman84

    How often do I flush for nute burn? *pics*

    so ive got small plants with nute burn and i was wondering how often should i flush them, without doing even more damage? thanks for the future help
  5. sandman84

    Flushing for nute burn, HELP !!

    ok so what i thought was a nitrogen problem turned out to be i was over watering, so now i have a pretty bad nute burn on 1 of my plants, and i was wondering how many times do i flush with water? this is my first grow and i really dont want to have to kill my plants/or have them die on me. also...
  6. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    ok you were totally right, there was no problem with nutes i was over watering, less O2 getting to plants, shit now i have nute burn (only on lower leaves upper leaves look fine). now i have to deal with this
  7. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    will the nutes ive added have an negative effect, or just wont do anything? also i have no idea what my water ph is, ive just been holding tap water in a bucket for 24hrs for the chlorine to evaporate than using that.
  8. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    ok so ive cut back on the watering and thats helped, now im watering it every other day, saturate then let it dry. as for the nute problem ive added blood meal to the soil in the hopes that it will help feed my babies, so far no change the bottom leaves have dried up/lost most of the color, but...
  9. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    they top leaves are firm and resist when lightly pushed up, they're not soft or flimsy, maybe this plant is just a little bit "special" like you said
  10. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    i let them dry out for about 1.5 days (to see if the sagging would stop) i just watered them before the picture was took, i usually water once in the morning before work, and once at night when i get home. could the yellowing be a nitrogen issue?
  11. sandman84

    Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!

    hey there so ive got a little issue with one of my plants, as you can see in the pix the top leaves are saggy. while the bottom ones are fine except the tips are turning light green/yellow. at first i thought i was overwatering the seedling, so i eased up a bit but that didnt work. then i...
  12. sandman84

    What do you guys think?

    wow lots of bud, im new at this but it looks like the plants having some issues (yellowing/brown leaves, tips curling) definitly seek advice for dealing with these issues, good thing theres lots of experienced growers on here, good luck with the grow
  13. sandman84

    Finally new pics, (thoughts?)

    oh baby, thats a foxy lady. hope my plants look like that
  14. sandman84

    30 hours seed still hasnt cracked...

    had the same problem as you, when i started to germinate my seeds i used the damp paper towel in a plastic bag method which didnt work. my advice is take a mug (or some cup that light cant penetrate) cover the top so no light gets in and soak your seeds in the warm water for 24-48 hours, this...
  15. sandman84

    Check out my grow room (any tips or thoughts?)

    i leave the door open the fan is on the ground blowing the cool air up towards the light/plants. hmm im starting to worry about my whole light siuation, i did a decent amount of research on here an found a thread that talks about using 125watt cfl grow(...
  16. sandman84

    Yet another qucik newbie question (watering seeds)

    cool thanks guys appreciate all the help/info
  17. sandman84

    Check out my grow room (any tips or thoughts?)

    its in a closet, i have a fan in the door way that blows directly onto the plants so im not worries about venting, as far as the light is concerned is it really that much of a problem? should i get another light to hang nxt to it? or shoud i jsut cut my crop down to 4 plants or so?
  18. sandman84

    lighting for germination

    really, bad juju? i dont know about that, the seed was fine just uncovered it then covered it back up, should be be fine.
  19. sandman84

    lighting for germination

    i posted the exact same thing a few days ago, what i got was about 50yes/50no, its personal preference. as long as they are damp, warm, dark (under soil) they will grow. i left my light on to keep them warm and it seems to be working (dug up 1 seed just to check if there was change and the root...
  20. sandman84

    Check out my grow room (any tips or thoughts?)

    ok so here is my set up im using a cfl 125watt light with mylar on the wall the temp is kept around 75-80f. i started 7 seeds ill probably lose one or two to males or they just wont sprout (old seeds) ok welll let me know what you think, i think for a 1st time grower this is a decent set up, im...