Yet another qucik newbie question (watering seeds)


ok so im at the point where my seeds are in small pots which are covered with clear wrap to keep the moisture/temp in. it seems to be working cuz the roots are getting bigger. and my question was how often do you water new seeds? right now i give them a quick few sprays to keep the top soil damp and wet so like once in the morning an once at night. i know that you cant drench it cuz the root has to grow and search for water. am i doing this right? also what the avergage time fram from when seeds crack till when i get i little awsome green seedling ?(i hear its about 3 weeks). thanks for dealing with a newbie, i just want to make sure an get my facts right.


Active Member
Sounds about right. moist but not wet. I remove any covers when the first leaves show after the seed leaves. Depending on your definition of a little seedling, 2-3 weeks sounds about right. If you want a week by week comparison of early development check my thread 12/12 vs veg and flower. I've been photoing my plants weekly for a test but should give you a development frame. Since we're in newbie central I'll mention that to find other stuff from a person click on thier name. It takes you to info about the poster...


Active Member
they sprout (when the seed emerged from the soil and has the first baby leaves) should range from 3 days - 2 weeks .
on both my grows they have sprouted in 3 days .

after that it should take for about 2-3 days to get a set of fan leaves .