Quick help with leaf problem plz!!!


hey there so ive got a little issue with one of my plants, as you can see in the pix the top leaves are saggy. while the bottom ones are fine except the tips are turning light green/yellow. at first i thought i was overwatering the seedling, so i eased up a bit but that didnt work. then i thought maybe there wasnt enough water and tried watering more but that didnt work. so now im just looking for an answer. How do i get the top ones nice an firm, and stop the bottoms from yellowing? i bet its something stupid and not a big deal. ok well thanks for all the help, everyone on Roll it Up ROCKS!!!



wow thats weird r the leaves at the top very soft and droopy like they dont have enough water or are they firm and curld because it could just b a retarted plant


and also over water can cause the yellowing and the saggy sad look i would let the soild dry almost completely then water cus those jiffy pots look soaked


Well-Known Member
PH has to be 6.5(soil)5.5hydro or its getting locked out on nutrients .

right now its using leaf energy to make new ones intead of the nutews in the soil


i let them dry out for about 1.5 days (to see if the sagging would stop) i just watered them before the picture was took, i usually water once in the morning before work, and once at night when i get home. could the yellowing be a nitrogen issue?


wow thats weird r the leaves at the top very soft and droopy like they dont have enough water or are they firm and curld because it could just b a retarted plant
they top leaves are firm and resist when lightly pushed up, they're not soft or flimsy, maybe this plant is just a little bit "special" like you said


ya thats highly likely my buddy grew a plant like that and the leaves just never perked up they twisted down but it was perfectly heathy no yellowing or anything but i second ice its def got a lil ph prob because its using it bottom leaves to make new ones


Well-Known Member
Watering twice a day like that is way too much. Cut back again, but for more than a day and a half. Looks like a possible nutrient deficiency also, but I'll bet if you let it go 4-6 days without saturating it like you have, it will perk right up.


ok so ive cut back on the watering and thats helped, now im watering it every other day, saturate then let it dry. as for the nute problem ive added blood meal to the soil in the hopes that it will help feed my babies, so far no change the bottom leaves have dried up/lost most of the color, but the ones above it seem to be doing ok, its still growing, jumped up half an inch or so the other night. ill post pics soon, thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't a good idea to add the blood meal, because it wasn't the soil that was lacking. It's likely that you were watering them so heavily that you were drowning the roots(starving them of oxygen), preventing them from taking in nutes. Stick with leaving at least a day between waterings, and don't add anymore ferts. After they start to take off, transplant to a bigger pot, and then you won't have to worry about ferts for another 2+ weeks after that.

(assuming the PH is correct)(twisty leaves can indicate a high PH problem)


Wasn't a good idea to add the blood meal, because it wasn't the soil that was lacking. It's likely that you were watering them so heavily that you were drowning the roots(starving them of oxygen), preventing them from taking in nutes. Stick with leaving at least a day between waterings, and don't add anymore ferts. After they start to take off, transplant to a bigger pot, and then you won't have to worry about ferts for another 2+ weeks after that.

(assuming the PH is correct)(twisty leaves can indicate a high PH problem)
will the nutes ive added have an negative effect, or just wont do anything? also i have no idea what my water ph is, ive just been holding tap water in a bucket for 24hrs for the chlorine to evaporate than using that.


Wasn't a good idea to add the blood meal, because it wasn't the soil that was lacking. It's likely that you were watering them so heavily that you were drowning the roots(starving them of oxygen), preventing them from taking in nutes. Stick with leaving at least a day between waterings, and don't add anymore ferts. After they start to take off, transplant to a bigger pot, and then you won't have to worry about ferts for another 2+ weeks after that.

(assuming the PH is correct)(twisty leaves can indicate a high PH problem)
ok you were totally right, there was no problem with nutes i was over watering, less O2 getting to plants, shit now i have nute burn (only on lower leaves upper leaves look fine). now i have to deal with this