30 hours seed still hasnt cracked...


Well-Known Member
:wall:temp is 75 to 80 degrees seed is wrapped in a damp napkin then placed in an air tight jar to hold the moisure in . on average how long does it take for you guys seeds to crack????


Well-Known Member
30 hours isn't all that long, at least for some seeds
usually, most of my seeds pop in less than 24 hours
but i had this one seed that took forever
4 days in water, over a week in the towels just to get enough tap root to plant in soil
took another 5 days to pop up from the soil
but she is a beautiful little plant now - some seeds can be a bitch to sprout


had the same problem as you, when i started to germinate my seeds i used the damp paper towel in a plastic bag method which didnt work. my advice is take a mug (or some cup that light cant penetrate) cover the top so no light gets in and soak your seeds in the warm water for 24-48 hours, this jump starts the processs, i had old seeds and it made most of them crack within this time frame, once they cracked an the little root started to pop out a bit i planted them in dirt. so far so good. alright well i hope that helps, good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys .. ya i wanna wait till i see the root b4 i put it in its home so that way i know 100% i'll get something