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  1. W

    Major F*** Up after spraying for bugs. A little advice please :)

    Well, I haven't seen you say that you sprayed only during lights you can burn your girls spraying while hps lights are on...or about to go on.. just sayin..
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    Still having problems

    You said u will test your p h meter, that's great.. But don't forget to test at 4 also, along with 7 of course...
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    Installing a MiniSplit

    Also, the vaccum pump needed is about $130, so maybe you can hire someone to do it cheaper...
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    Great White Premium Mycorrhizae?

    One scoop per 2 gallons , then depending on your container size, directions on label..small jar would definitely do it for you.
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    My plant trichomes are clear but mushroom brown in some places

    Personally, I would wait until most tri comes are milky, leaning toward amber..then your weed is at it's most
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    Is this the infamous LED Calmag issue?

    Ok... You store the ph meter correctly, but.. Please take the time to check calibration at both 10 and also 4 for the right reading. :-) it's important
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    ph issue

    Wow..this is an important some p h adjuster, and add it to solution after you add nutes.. Are you using r/o water? Curious as to why the low ph...if u are u should add cal-mag at suggested levels..good luck
  8. W

    Normal Sativa/ Indica difference or reason for concern?

    They look good, are you using any Kelp? Like Maxi crop etc... it will help with leaves not being dark green also how much Nitrogen are you using... I use 5 ml. Kelp per gallon in drench leaves never looked so good, but yellowing is Nitrogen def. also indica leaves are usually darker IMO good...
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    Anyone heard of Sea-Crop, Biozome, Ful Power?

    Hey pompel, I use sea crop and it is outstanding.. any of the other kelp products are good as well, Maxi crop, Acadian Kelp, etc... There are many benefits to using kelp, and it is organic so you wont hurt them at all with it,foliar more effective than soil drench but I do both...5 ml per...
  10. W

    HELP PLEASE!! 3 week old seedlings yellowing at bottom and drooping all over!!

    Well I would add at least some sea kelp/ Magic green etc to them... it is safe and gentle but will provide a lift, and be more concerned with what ph of water is you are feeding them with.. 6 is good ... get a ph meter and 7.0 calibration solution... Good Luck Peace
  11. W

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    To get the best results.... keep the PH at 6 for both veg and flower... get some ph up and ph down, so you can adjust which way you need to..also buy some 7.0 calibration solution and use it... also to make your meter last, buy some storage solution and change it every time you u use the meter...
  12. W

    Drying Problem / Help needed

    Hey Smokey, I think you harvested too early... you want to let the trichomes get some color... milky to just amber is my preference.. before you take them... get a 30 power lupe/handheld magnifier.. and you can see them quite clearly . Also it sounds like the drying time is very fast... usually...
  13. W

    do you know what this pest is??????

    maybe thrips.. but regardless.. try Azamax/Azatrol same product different name... just follow directions it is a safe and effective way to control most pests.. takes a few applications but totally worth the time. Good Luck :-) Peace
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    THC Bomb Ever Heard Of It???

    This is a great strain... butt... it gets tallll !! so be warned
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    Wife Wants A Divorce For Smoking and Growing Weed!!!!

    Well, first I want to say, I feel for you Man. I dont think its really your smoking & growing herb that is bothering her, since you were together 5 years before you got married... Have you considered going to a counselor? Im no expert, but they can help you both determine what is the real...
  16. W

    FFOF lowering PH issues...FFOF Growers please help a bro

    zem is right dont care what the runoff ph is...adjust to 6 or 6.2 before you water , but ppm a different story... two other notes.. spray off the electrode with just plain water after each use, and buy some storage solution and add it to the cap and keep vertical, your new pen will last looong...
  17. W

    Spider Mites - Help needed!

    stickybob showed u a nice site to get help... you need to use a miticide if u have an infestation... it will kill them. then do a follow up after one week... then I use azatrol and it will control most pests but doesnt kill them immediately... takes three days, so use it afterwards to control...
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    mould in greenhouse

    Also, another good one is Actinovate... use as directed very effective... Cheers .. Happy growing