Normal Sativa/ Indica difference or reason for concern?


So its my first grow and i'm almost 40 days into 12/12 and I've noticed the taller plants (lk1 and gdp probably sativa) also are much lighter green almost yellow and bud development isn't close to the greener shorter plant labled kryp1 (i assume an indica). Also one of the taller ones has quite a few brown hairs (gdp). Are these differences normal and will these tall plants fill out...take a look at the pics and tell me what you think



to clarify the first 3 pic are of the plants I think r sative and the last is the one I think is indica and is budding much more than the others

Weed Daddy

Active Member
They look good, are you using any Kelp? Like Maxi crop etc... it will help with leaves not being dark green also how much Nitrogen are you using... I use 5 ml. Kelp per gallon in drench leaves never looked so good, but yellowing is Nitrogen def. also indica leaves are usually darker IMO good luck and happy growing !!


Well-Known Member
well your last pic isnt mostly sativa. it looks like a hybrid, those leaves are still pretty fat.also i couldnt notice any diff in colour o.0