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  1. C

    Im having some PH issues

    No man, as far as i can tell Roseman thinks (in his experience) that city water is fine! Read his tutorial's and comments..i think he's the man..for sure!
  2. C

    Seed and light question

    Hmmm, so u say HID all the way, i think ill stick to both, 400w should be sweet in my room and i think ill go for a mixed strain seed, mostly indica.. Thanks folks..anyone else was add there 2p worth lol!
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    Seed and light question

    Sorry about the lack of detail dude,thanks for the reply so far! My grow room will be about 3.5 foot wide, 3 foot deep and about 5.5ft high, a closet grow you could say, im gonna go bubbleponics and have 4 plants in a (approx) 8 gallon rubbermaid. I agree with you on the lights, i plan to get...
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    Seed and light question

    Hay guys, This is most likely a real silly question(s) but i've been reading this forum for ages and dont get the exact answer that i need before i buy.. Here goes... Im gonna buy a new light..a 400w one, originally i was gonna get a MH bulb (pre-flower) and a HPS for bloom, a friend has...
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    Thats cuz he aint in the UFC...he will be a contestant in TUF...who knows, there is some tough guys going into the house!
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    crooked closet door - light problems?

    Try some duck tape..2inch stuff..a few layers up and down the crack sould sort it!
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    Diy bubbleponics

    Guys.. First of all i wanna say a big massive thank u to Roseman and Mostlycrazy..these guys take soo much of their time to sort out our questions..thats to be admired! Since signing on to this forum a few weeks back i was gonna buy a complete ebb n flow system, then i was gonna make a...
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    Thinking about this set up....

    Cheers lads, i had been thinking of a bubbler too..i thought the pack i listed was ok value, its got all the accessories and good light n nutes..i know making one would be the way but i dont want to many hurdles sayin its my first time.. Would a bubbler be a lot more noisey?? (compared to a...
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    Thinking about this set up....

    Yeah i will have at least one fan, still undecided if i need a fan to take air out of the room, im thinking ill be ok with out as only planning on 4 plants at the moment..cant wait to get started!! And Kaleo..thanks for the heads up in the other thread!! :leaf:
  10. C

    Do u think this is a decent set up??

    Jeez sorry dude, i realised that the thread should have originally went here, just looking for some info, not looking to piss people off!!!
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    Do u think this is a decent set up??

    I've posted in another thread but think this section is where i belong.. Have a look..really wanna know what people think.. <-- click here
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    Thinking about this set up....

    Yeah, i was thinking a few layers of black duct tape would sort out any light leakages.. Anyone else have any suggestions..?? Do ye think an extracter fan is needed??
  13. C

    Thinking about this set up....

    Hay guys, im new here and think this site is amazin, im gonna start a proper little grow room in the next month or so..i have never grown before but have a fair idea of whats needed im gonna build a room 3ft deep 3.5ft length and 5.5ft high, this is the set up i've been looking at, i wanna go...
  14. C

    What medium to use..

    Do ye think soil is easier then, i always was under the impression, with a few of theright tool that hydro was the way to go...Hmmm, thats made me think..what would you a flood n drain or something?? Any advise at this stage is brilliant, wont be up and running for at least a...
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    What medium to use..

    Lol, thats what i was thinkin but as usual with things that seem too easy to be tru so i thought id ask..nice one Matt!
  16. C

    What medium to use..

    Hay guys, Im hopin that someone can advise me a little, im gonna start a small grow room, i wanna try and do it right but i dont have a lot of cash, i've been looking at 2 simple systems..the' Wilma 4 Pot System' and the 'autopot' To be honest im moreintrested in the Wilma, which stats it...
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    uk thread price's on cannabis.

    Ye think £140 is Ireland...easy £200/220 per ounce..selling at a tenner a gram...grim if your buyin sweet if your sellin!
  18. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up guys, pretty cool site ye have goin on, gonna start my first indoor grow pretty soon so no doubt ill have plenty of questions for ya!