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  1. Clownshoes

    Could I Please have my account deleted

    Yea hes right, and you need to RUN and just keep running..
  2. Clownshoes

    Salvia 10x was no joke for me!

    I took a big fucking bowl of that shit one afternoon, i was playing a popular online roleplaying game (fag) and yea man thats some crazy ride. I tripped i was inside my avatar casting spells and stuff. Unpleasent overall though.
  3. Clownshoes

    how to prevent light and heat detection??

    There are SHITLOADS of threads on this crap, but the forum search sucks balls. Use Google or whatever decent search browser, searching heatproof light proof rollitup and you should get lots of info.
  4. Clownshoes

    Busted by the wife

    You said you ruined 2 relationships due to weed. Your wrong. 2 random women ruined 2 seperate relationships due to their ignorance. If this one does the same then sorry she is not worthy either.
  5. Clownshoes

    Whats up with my deformd plant?

    You smoke a 1/4 in 3 years? GTFO
  6. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    Whats iso hash then? dont be dropping those clangers and dissapearing again ye fucker.
  7. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    Thanks for the "eventual reply" emo kid. And remeber son, up not across.
  8. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and call bullshit. It tastes like lovely hash. OTHERS have stated plant colour matters not.
  9. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    Love people who spout some half baked comment/advice then fuck off without an explanation or elaboration.
  10. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    Ice was small chunks from freezer bags, the shop bought stuff. Relevant?
  11. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    This method is so easy its unreal, despite the green water, we simply waited, siphoned off the top water then used a plastic syringe to remove as much water as possible. We then simply scraped/poured the wet gloop onto some cardboard. We left that to dry for a few hours then formed the stuff...
  12. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    The trim was barely off the plant, so not dry atall, my extensive (lolgoogle) research told me that didnt matter, so NO very wet i guess. I dumped 4kg of ice in a big tub and hit it with a drill and mixing bit for like 30 minutes. I took the ice out and the wet trim, squeezed it best i could...
  13. Clownshoes

    Gumby hash help plx!

    Using this method and like 12oz of fan leaf and crap bud, at the process of "letting gravity take course" but i am wondering... The guide seems to say i should have "brown" water. Mine is very green. Where have i gone wrong? Help appreciated ty.
  14. Clownshoes


    Don't buy one for £5.99 (10 bucks). They are just plastic tubes with lights on that should come wrapped in xmas paper with a snapper in! My personal experience tells me this! I am trying again with a realistic budget of around £25.00.
  15. Clownshoes

    Top Cola weight issues

    Thanks all, i hooked up some cotton to the light chain i use, - simple & effective! Should have thought about that but my mind was thinking about sticks to prop instead.
  16. Clownshoes

    Is this Ready?

    So flush now then? thanks. Edit - Ty Heathea
  17. Clownshoes

    Is this Ready?

    Took these pix before, i got a microscope, but it was so cheap my eyes were better, in fact it was actually worse than a loo roll tube as it literally blocked out any view... It is heavy and solid pics should be attatched, appreciate input/comments and opinions on harvesting.
  18. Clownshoes

    Top Cola weight issues

    Hi, i did a quick search but to no avail, plants are doing fine, like maybe a week before harvest. Problem is the top colas are so long and heavy, they are tipping the plants over, leaning etc. I have tried to prop them, but as i say seems more to be due to "top heavy" plants. Should i crop now...
  19. Clownshoes

    Is this Ready?

    Update on these - Getting a little (lot) top heavy, in fact one fell over today, seems the top colas are very heavy.. Is there any danger of them bending over/snapping?