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  1. slutlust

    Clone help

    Alright, so I'll cut back on the nutes for that one alone. I was out of town all last week and my buddy took care of them. He misread my instructions and gave them double the amount of water I prescribed...very frustrating. They looked fine before I left. Thanks again for all your help.
  2. slutlust

    Clone help

    No. The one I'm talking about is White Widow. Others a mystery. =/
  3. slutlust

    Clone help

    I'm using Scotts premium soil. Used B'Cuz thru vegging. I stopped that when I moved to 12/12 and now that she's flowering I literally just started on Fox Farm Big Bloom... edit: None of my other plants are showing signs of yellowing, on exact same regimen, though they're no quite as developed as...
  4. slutlust

    Clone help

  5. slutlust

    Clone help

    Awesome thanks! I'll give it a try and see what happens...also, I read that as plants begin to flower they need less Nitrogen thus leaves start turning yellow. I have quite a few yellow leaves on my biggest plant, though all branches look quite healthy. Should I trim the yellow or just them die off?
  6. slutlust

    Clone help

    About two weeks ago I changed the lighting on four of my plants to 12/12. I started them all from seeds and they're now about 2 feet tall. Luckily, all four are female (little white hairs -no balls YAY!). This is my first grow and I've been playing around with a lot of different techniques...
  7. slutlust

    6 Pointed leaf

    Every leaf on this plant of mine has six points, rather than 5, I just realized. Crazy.
  8. slutlust

    another 3 leafed mutant!

    I've had the exact same thing happen. About one month into vegging. It's the runt of the group, but healthy none the less.
  9. slutlust

    This is where legends come from.

    Fuckin' sick. Will follow to the end. Good luck. I'll be watching and learning, pioneer.
  10. slutlust


    Well, typically a plant with roots can absorb nutrients from the soil, while collecting what it needs from light. In this way, it's absorbing through roots while using up built in nutrients to thrive at night. As a clone has no roots, its only source is via light...thus 24/0. As I said, in...
  11. slutlust


    Yah, what Jerry Garcia said. It's tricky having plants in different stages of growth, and you find yourself adapting to their time schedule. Because if you try and make them adapt to yours...well...they'll die.
  12. slutlust


    Yeah, they should be fine. At this point, your focus is more on root development than leaf growth. Remember to mist the leaves, as there are no roots to absorb nutrients. Only leaves. So keep leaves moist and humidity fairly high. Ligts 24/0. I spray the sides of the dome with a little mist...
  13. slutlust


    Ideally: I have a t5 over a plastic dome and clone bed. I use rootech to ensure root growth... I leave them in 12 days before potting so roots get good and strong. Also use bed for germinating. Good investment...$40 tops.
  14. slutlust


    From most that I read, it seems you can't really 100% gauge the sex of a plant 'til it flowers, when it reveals its sexual organs. Do any vegging plants ever reveal organs early? If a vegetative plant smells like "skunk" does that give any indication? Just wondering. Everything online is so...
  15. slutlust

    First cloning attempt

    Oh yeah, it's only been three-four days. My area is in an extreme heat wave right now and so it's incredibly hot in my apartment. The lights from my other grows don't help... so I'm misting very frequently. No sign of roots yet...but I have such a hard time actually getting the cube out of the...
  16. slutlust

    First cloning attempt

    White widow... Cloned a small branch...doesn't look like it's doing very well...used Rootech solut. using T5 light, keeping moist. What's going wrong?! =(
  17. slutlust

    First grow White widow and Bluekush w/ pics

    Oh looking good. I too have a WW gal growing. About 20 inches tall now, still vegging strong. They just get prettier and prettier.
  18. slutlust

    Flower time

    Lol, fair enough. Looks like I got a week or two til then. But I think I'll keep the big un' going til this weekend. Maybe by then I can seal off a piece of my closet and create a make-shift BloomBox. I am concerned about ventilation now though. Ugh!
  19. slutlust

    Flower time

    Alright. And is it best to water her before going into darkness every night? Or will that keep the soil too moist? Another question.... I want to know if my smaller plants are male or female. Was thinking of cloning and putting clones into 12/12 light. Do they need to be a certain size before I...
  20. slutlust

    Flower time

    Alright, so this is my baby after about a month of being in my care. I got her at about 4 inches...she now stands 15 inches tall. (She averages about 2 inch. a day). I have very limited grow space and am concerned about when to flower. As this is my first grow, I'm both eager and frightened of...