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  1. slutlust

    2 weeks into veg

    Oooh, looking good!
  2. slutlust

    looking for some wisdom from the wise

    What sort of nutes are you adding? How often?
  3. slutlust

    Yellow Leaves

    Alright... I have a 24-8-16 fert... only used it once. It says after diluting it only use once every two weeks. More frequent?
  4. slutlust

    Yellow Leaves

    The plant is a little over a month. It's been in the pot for about three weeks now. As to the pH levels.... well.... I figured using only bottled water would take care of that problem so I woulnt have to get a pH tester. Big mistake?
  5. slutlust

    Yellow Leaves

    My plant's leaves are turning yellow =( it looks terrible... is this from lack of nutes or h20? I water when the soil's no longer damp 1.5"-2" under. I'm using soil with built-in nutes + the occasional B'Cuzz growth boost. I use some soap-h20 now and again to help with my recent springtail...
  6. slutlust

    What do you think?

    Im using Scotts Premium Potting Soil. A bit of B'Cuzz Growth boost now and again. I would think the soil has enough nutes to keep it going. Struggling to not overwater. It really is hard to not over-care for a new plant.
  7. slutlust

    What do you think?

    I think it's about a 1.5 months....started from a clone. It's approx. nine inches tall. Trying to clear up a bit of nut. burn that's plagued my journey thus far. But new leaves look healthy, as far as I can tell.
  8. slutlust

    What do you think?

    Does everything look normal? =/
  9. slutlust

    Is MiracleGro good to use???

    If you use a miraclegro fert you'll need to water it down an incredible amount as your plant is still fairly young. Make sure your lights aren't too close to the plant, cause that could be causing the burning. What's your medium?
  10. slutlust

    Oh boy...

    Pretty sure this is it. Thanks so much for the speedy feed back. My god this website is amazing =). I'll try the Neem Oil and sand I suppose. I literally just transplanted two days ago and they appeared almost instantly...And fire near my plants makes me anxious.
  11. slutlust

    Oh boy...

    I think that maybe they are 'Springtails'...not quite mites or gnats but their own species. In any case, I don't want them. what do you think would be the safest way to remedy the infestation?
  12. slutlust

    Oh boy...

    They're sort of more... termite looking? They are so tiny I can hardly see. I just know they're white... and I hate them.
  13. slutlust

    Oh boy...

    So a few days ago upon inspecting my plants I found these tiny insects in my soil. I have an indoor setup...and I absolutely hate bugs and have somehow kept myself from throwing away my plants and starting from scratch...which was my initial reaction. They look sort of like spider mites..but I...
  14. slutlust

    First time grower

    Oh boy, thanks. Just flushed soil. I'll further dilute the fertilzer. Are the lights going to cause problems at this stage or will they do?
  15. slutlust

    First time grower

    I'm using a Sun System 150 hps Grow Light and i have a 90w too. I'm using mylar also, which the guy at my hydroponic store recommended. I planted some seeds in the same light and they just sprouted...I assume the conditions are about right. I'm concerened about some dry leaves around the base of...
  16. slutlust

    First time grower

  17. slutlust

    First time grower

    I realized I'd been smoking weed for years and decided it was time to raise my own little bundle of joy. I'd been researching for about a year, arranging a good set up in a closet space when a friend gave me a white widow clone to look after. It's about four inches tall -it was in a little...