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  1. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    Sorry no pics yet! crazy weekend! went to go see Steve Miller Band saturday:) hopefully ill take some today! also and update: The oldest one got four more leaves, and the little guys have four real leaves now. also, i buried their stems up a little further so theyd be a little sturdier...
  2. Imagine

    CFL setup help?!!

    i know, i will get pics up sometime today or tomorrow the problem is, my plants are on the floor and there is no light socket or plugs inside the closet, so i am not sure how to mount my lights the light i have from walmart is a fluorescent tube light enclosed in a plastic casing and...
  3. Imagine

    CFL setup help?!!

    This is my first closet grow. As of now i am using a fluorescent "grow light" i purchased at walmart which is plugged into a wall socket and is hanging from the bar which you would hang clothes on with string. I would love to switch to CFLs but dont know how to set it up in my space cheaply...
  4. Imagine

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    any easy way to rig CFLs in a closet?
  5. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    i would like to use CFLs, but im unsure how to rig them up, especially in my small grow space suggestions anyone?
  6. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    thanks! and good luck on your outdoor grow!! Pics coming today or tomorrow hopefully! thanks for the help so far, i need all the help i can get!
  7. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    The lights from walmart are flourescent style with 7800k and like 17w, the light they put out is really purple. thats about all the info i have on them. I probably need to get some new lights. Any suggestions? Keep in mind my current light is plugged in to a wall socket and hung on the hanger...
  8. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    Stems were looking a little weak, so i buried them up a little further. Plants are doing good, besides some that were stretching too far (this is why i buried them). Biggest plant got 2 more leaves and i think she is starting to split! Also sprayed them with seltzer water yesterday to increase...
  9. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    Just checked on the biggest one and she got 2 new leaves!! also, and suggestions on what i should do for fertilizer?
  10. Imagine

    very first grow, bagseed--some Florida Middis

    I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light"...
  11. Imagine

    first time grower--am i doing things right?/a few questions

    Any suggestions for alternatives to the MG? What about the bloodmeal?
  12. Imagine

    first time grower--am i doing things right?/a few questions

    I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light"...
  13. Imagine

    a few new grower questions

    thank you! also, since this is a forum on which you can ask questions, i dont see how me asking questions on my grow is bothering anybody...
  14. Imagine

    a few new grower questions

    i have researched, and im getting alot of conflicting answers.
  15. Imagine

    a few new grower questions

    I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light"...
  16. Imagine

    New grower--have a few questions

    also, what NPK should my fertilizer be?
  17. Imagine

    New grower--have a few questions

    I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light"...
  18. Imagine

    a few new grower questions

    the miracle grow i have is pretty low in nitrogen i feel though. its only like 6 i think. what should the NPK of a fertilizer be?
  19. Imagine

    a few new grower questions

    I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light"...