a few new grower questions


I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light" i purchased at walmart and a medium mix of 50% potting soil, 50% perlite. I have 12 plants growing in 16oz plastic cups. As of right now i have an organic blood meal 12% nitrogen fertilizer and liquid miracle grow fertilizer you add to the water. I have not used either yet. I have a small fan on them 24/7.

My questions are:

Are my fertilizers sufficient and in what combo should i use them and when should i start fertilizing?

How big should they be when I transplant them?

Is there any way to sex them early?

How long until they reach the flowering cycle?

Anything else i need to change/am doing wrong?



Well-Known Member
You probably don't want to mix the blood meal with miracle grow. Miracle grow has plenty of nitrogen. Blood meal can be very 'hot', it is absorbed by the plant very quickly. Combine the 2 and you have a recipe for nute burn.


the miracle grow i have is pretty low in nitrogen i feel though. its only like 6 i think. what should the NPK of a fertilizer be?


New Member
dont worry about fert. them for quite some time. Im using MG potting soil that feeds for 3 months. Works great. What you may want to do is start burying your plants up to the first set of leaves, IE bury the stem, will help with root growth. Get some more lights on it, try some cfls. Good luck