CFL setup help?!!


This is my first closet grow. As of now i am using a fluorescent "grow light" i purchased at walmart which is plugged into a wall socket and is hanging from the bar which you would hang clothes on with string. I would love to switch to CFLs but dont know how to set it up in my space cheaply, easilly and efficiently.



Well-Known Member
This is my first closet grow. As of now i am using a fluorescent "grow light" i purchased at walmart which is plugged into a wall socket and is hanging from the bar which you would hang clothes on with string. I would love to switch to CFLs but dont know how to set it up in my space cheaply, easilly and efficiently.

Pics of your setup would help.

This is what I have setup in my cab. Just a power strip with y-adapters and screw on plug in thingys for the cfls.



i know, i will get pics up sometime today or tomorrow

the problem is, my plants are on the floor and there is no light socket or plugs inside the closet, so i am not sure how to mount my lights

the light i have from walmart is a fluorescent tube light enclosed in a plastic casing and included a plug coming from one end of it, i have it tied to the bar in my closet with string so it hangs


Well-Known Member
i know, i will get pics up sometime today or tomorrow

the problem is, my plants are on the floor and there is no light socket or plugs inside the closet, so i am not sure how to mount my lights

the light i have from walmart is a fluorescent tube light enclosed in a plastic casing and included a plug coming from one end of it, i have it tied to the bar in my closet with string so it hangs
Just use a power strip and hang it off the bar.

Get these:

And these:


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I used a Bathroom vanity light thing. You can find them at lowes, walmart whatever for around 10-20 bucks. Buy some wire nuts and a plug to wire it.

Pretty simple white to white black to black then the ground.

Just plug it in to an extension cord. Your not going to pull a whole bunch of power to compromise the cord just dont use a cheap thin one.

Then buy some "y's" and you are all good.
