a few new grower questions


I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light" i purchased at walmart and a medium mix of 50% potting soil, 50% perlite. I have 12 plants growing in 16oz plastic cups. As of right now i have an organic blood meal 12% nitrogen fertilizer and liquid miracle grow fertilizer you add to the water. I have not used either yet. I have a small fan on them 24/7.

My questions are:

Are my fertilizers sufficient and in what combo should i use them and when should i start fertilizing?

How big should they be when I transplant them?

Is there any way to sex them early?

How long until they reach the flowering cycle?

Anything else i need to change/am doing wrong?



Well-Known Member
do more then typing in ur questions in the search engine... read lotsa threads and journals... u can find alota questions will be answered in other threads or journals... gotta have a plan b4 u do this so ur not in this perdicament... i researched this site for hrs a day, mnths b4 i got my shit going and continue to read anything and everything, everyday... if u get conflicting info, go with what sounds good to u or make a comprimise between the answers... every1 and strain is diff... even posting these questions will give u conflicting answers... geeze i coulda answered these questions by the time i wrote this reply but then thats no fun for u.... these r ez answers to find, sum r pretty much common sense... i bet u your crop that if u search for these answers in journals and threads, u will find the answers plus the answers to ur next set of questions and then u wont need to ask them when the time comes, cuz ull already know them... researchin will help u find more then ur lookin for... sry im not tryin to be an asshole , i know we all start sumwhere.. i too have questions every day... but like i said, the more u look, the more ull learn and less questions ull have... espeacilly at critical times when u need an answer that day or shits gonna happen... "knowing is half the battle"- G.I. Joe


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower. I started my plants a few weeks ago, but fertilized too early and only one survived. I started a new batch a few days ago, they are 3-4 inches tall and are getting their first 2 leaves. The older plant is about the same height and has 8 leaves. I am using a "grow light" i purchased at walmart and a medium mix of 50% potting soil, 50% perlite. I have 12 plants growing in 16oz plastic cups. As of right now i have an organic blood meal 12% nitrogen fertilizer and liquid miracle grow fertilizer you add to the water. I have not used either yet. I have a small fan on them 24/7.

My questions are:

Are my fertilizers sufficient and in what combo should i use them and when should i start fertilizing?

How big should they be when I transplant them?

Is there any way to sex them early?

How long until they reach the flowering cycle?

Anything else i need to change/am doing wrong?

you should of started out with a 2 gallon pot and that would last you a whole grow and use nutes when you get a few nodes on it


you should of started out with a 2 gallon pot and that would last you a whole grow and use nutes when you get a few nodes on it

thank you!
also, since this is a forum on which you can ask questions, i dont see how me asking questions on my grow is bothering anybody...


Nutes is just how much can you afford! Miracle grow if that is what you can afford is fine, no matter what anyone says. But of course you get what you pay for! Start nutes when the first couple leaves that appeared start looking a little sickly this means they have used all the nutes from the soil, usually a couple weeks after sprouting. As far as when should they go into flower, well it depends on your space? You have to figure they will double maybe triple in size and you don't want to outgrow your space. So people will start flowering as soon as they reach 12" just depends! They should show there sex soon after putting them into flower, I know you can force them to but why put the stress on them when they will show soon after switching to 12-12. The older plant should be getting nutes now but hold off on the little buggers. Hope this helps some. Also you will know when to transplant obviously you don't want a 12" plant in a dixie cup. Sorry about some of the smart ass coments you got. Good Luck!