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  1. jam2764

    How I Grow Outdoors, Huge Grows

    Alright so here my Question. I live up north on the east coast. I've had plants vegging out for two months on 16/8 lighting. The lighting currently is about 14/10 outdoors, it will soon be 15/9. I always start my plants indoors to give them a head start but i didn't put them out last year till...
  2. jam2764

    Alright guys help me out real quick.

    Well here's the deal. I have 4 plants that i have been growing since cloned about 3-4 months ago indoors. Each plant has at least 5 heads and up to 19! There real nice looking. Now i know people say to harden your plants off before putting them outside and thats what i did. I put them in a low...
  3. jam2764

    Joey weed c99??

    I'm about to order some seeds from and i'm thinking about getting some of Joey Weeds cinderella99 seeds. I just wanna know if any of you guys have grown joey weeds c99 and how it went. I want to grow it indoors so If someones grown indoors with this version of c99 then lets talk.
  4. jam2764

    What should I do?

    yea i've been thinking a lot about it and i thinkk i'll be fine. I had a problem with spider mites and had to use a spray. That stressed the plant out. Then i gave it a little bit to much nutrients and it got nute burn so i think i just stressed it out. And then i clipped when the plant was a...
  5. jam2764

    Joey Weed AK47 Grow

    where did u get ur joey weed seeds from. i was gonna get some from
  6. jam2764

    What should I do?

    Someone help me out. Time is limited before the outdoor grow and i wanted to get a head start this year. All i want to know is if u take a clone off a plant that ends up being hermi does that mean my clone will be hermi no matter how i treat her????
  7. jam2764

    What should I do?

    yea. well the plant had like 30 possible clippngs for clones and i just took a few of the lower branches. im not to worried about the seeds it's all gonna be smoked by me anyways, and the plant already has some nice sized buds so i'm not going to chip her down. And what if the thing turning...
  8. jam2764

    What should I do?

    Alright well Ihave 4 plants flowering rite now and they'll be finished in about a month. Prior to them flowering i took around 7 clones off two of the plants. I plan on growing them in veg. and tossing them outside in May to become monsters. Here's the thing though. 3 of the clones are doing...
  9. jam2764

    It's time.. Just got some of Subcools clenaer.

    It's been two days and only 2 popped so far. Hopefully ones a female, I don't think the others are gonna do anything but who knows i'll give them a couple more days.
  10. jam2764

    It's time.. Just got some of Subcools clenaer.

    Whats up guys. I've been trying to get some good seeds for a little while now and last night i finally did. One of my good friends came down for spring break and he gave me 8 F2 cleaner seeds that he pollinated himself. He got his original seeds last year from Subcool and they came out amazing...
  11. jam2764

    Who's heard of this strain?

    no. i looked it up but some guy i know said he had that strain and i just never heard anything about it.
  12. jam2764

    Who's heard of this strain?

    Have any of you guys heard of a strain lady lesbian. I can't find anything on it and idk if it's real. Let me know
  13. jam2764

    starting indoor for outdoor

    So then you can grow a plant indoors for months in veg. and then put them outdoors in May. The lighting will be different than 18-6 wont it. this wont trigger early flowering??? Or will it just stay in veg. and be a monster
  14. jam2764

    Quick question on some soil mix.. Help me out.

    So i've been looking around on here and getting a lot of ideas for some good soil mixes. I'm going to be using this soil for outdoor plants in May. I've been looking a lot into Subcools super soil and I'm most likely going to mix some of that up. Here's my question, I was at lowes today and saw...
  15. jam2764

    Clones rooted. Getting ready for the outdoor season!

    The first Clone was growing faster than the rest so i pinched it and now its growing three heads. The first two plants are about a week an a half old from being clipped and the three in the same pot are only a week old. All the clones are growing under one 24" fluorescent tube and 2 25 watt...
  16. jam2764

    Clones rooted. Getting ready for the outdoor season!

    i have 5 clones and one mother plant. The mother plant is around 2 months old and the clones have just rooted. I'm going to grow the clones till the endof april then cut off all bottom growth for additional clones. Once i harden them off outside i'll throw them in the ground and watch them take...
  17. jam2764

    Experienced growers help wanted

    yea i know that, i have a great spot that gets direct sunlight all day long. my plants for the past 3 years have been at least 5 foot. it just seems that they want to grow bigger but they start to flower from the sun. I just didn't know if a plant will only grow so tall or if i could even put a...
  18. jam2764

    Need some more lights for veg.

    I want to pick up some of the cfl's I've seen you guys using in some of your setups. I have two fluorescent tubes but i want to add some of those spiral light bulb cfl's. how do i know which are the right ones, can i just get some at lowes or home depot??
  19. jam2764

    Experienced growers help wanted

    Whats up guys i just have a quick question. i'm just growing bagseed this year and my plants usually end up about 6 foot. i just want to know if there's a limit to how tall they wil grow. If i put out a 2 foot clone in the beginning of the outdoor season i would expect it to grow 8-10 feet. I...
  20. jam2764

    How to get the biggest plant outdoors?

    yea but if i put out a 2 foot mother in the begining of the season outdoors i would expect it to end up at least 8-10 feet no?