What should I do?


Alright well Ihave 4 plants flowering rite now and they'll be finished in about a month. Prior to them flowering i took around 7 clones off two of the plants. I plan on growing them in veg. and tossing them outside in May to become monsters. Here's the thing though. 3 of the clones are doing very well and are really bushy, but i just checked my girls flowering and one of them is hermi. It's not as bad as hrmi's i've had but it does have really tiny little pods coming out. I'm just going to let her finish, she didn't show signs of being hermi till today and she's almost done budding. I'm just worried because i know nothing about hermi's. Is a plant becoming hermi something in genetics or is it caused by stress. I'm just worried because i don't want to have these 8 plants be monster bushes by august and come to find that they all are gonna turn hermi. I took almost all clippings off this plant that's hermi so im just wondering does that guarantee that all my clones will be hermi. Should i start over and get new clippings. idk what to do help me out guys. I still have a mother plant from one of the girls budding and the bud from that plant is amazing. Super sugar coated and nice dense fat buds. I'm thinking i should give someone the clones i have now and take all new clippings today off the mother plant that came from the real nice plant. There's still enough time for them to root and get up to about 6 inches i'd say. Just let me know. WHAT WOULD YOU GUYS DO?


Well-Known Member
Alright well Ihave 4 plants flowering rite now and they'll be finished in about a month. Prior to them flowering i took around 7 clones off two of the plants. I plan on growing them in veg. and tossing them outside in May to become monsters. Here's the thing though. 3 of the clones are doing very well and are really bushy, but i just checked my girls flowering and one of them is hermi. It's not as bad as hrmi's i've had but it does have really tiny little pods coming out. I'm just going to let her finish, she didn't show signs of being hermi till today and she's almost done budding. I'm just worried because i know nothing about hermi's. Is a plant becoming hermi something in genetics or is it caused by stress. I'm just worried because i don't want to have these 8 plants be monster bushes by august and come to find that they all are gonna turn hermi. I took almost all clippings off this plant that's hermi so im just wondering does that guarantee that all my clones will be hermi. Should i start over and get new clippings. idk what to do help me out guys. I still have a mother plant from one of the girls budding and the bud from that plant is amazing. Super sugar coated and nice dense fat buds. I'm thinking i should give someone the clones i have now and take all new clippings today off the mother plant that came from the real nice plant. There's still enough time for them to root and get up to about 6 inches i'd say. Just let me know. WHAT WOULD YOU GUYS DO?
If you took mostly all the clones off of the hermied plant...that's probably why it hermied. To much stress causes them to hermie. Chop her unless you want seeds in all your buds.


yea. well the plant had like 30 possible clippngs for clones and i just took a few of the lower branches. im not to worried about the seeds it's all gonna be smoked by me anyways, and the plant already has some nice sized buds so i'm not going to chip her down. And what if the thing turning hermi had nothing to do with the cloning? Should i keep growing the clones or start new ones. I really don't want to have some monstrous bushes in my woods that turn hermi and can pollinate all my plants.


Well-Known Member
yea. well the plant had like 30 possible clippngs for clones and i just took a few of the lower branches. im not to worried about the seeds it's all gonna be smoked by me anyways, and the plant already has some nice sized buds so i'm not going to chip her down. And what if the thing turning hermi had nothing to do with the cloning? Should i keep growing the clones or start new ones. I really don't want to have some monstrous bushes in my woods that turn hermi and can pollinate all my plants.
I'm really not sure, my guess would be they should be fine...but i'd wait for another opinion.


Someone help me out. Time is limited before the outdoor grow and i wanted to get a head start this year. All i want to know is if u take a clone off a plant that ends up being hermi does that mean my clone will be hermi no matter how i treat her????


Active Member
This is a very tough call. Plants can become hermaphrodites from a number of different reasons including stress, genetics and. hormone treatments. Since you did not do the hormone thing that is out. However you did stress the plant out so that seems most likely. Did you take clones before the plant began budding or during. If you took clones during budding I would bet the plant hermied because of the stress. But if you took clones during veg then flowered the plant and it hermied several weeks or even months down the line then I would bet it is a genetic problem. Depending on when you took the clones would determine how I decide what to do with them.


yea i've been thinking a lot about it and i thinkk i'll be fine. I had a problem with spider mites and had to use a spray. That stressed the plant out. Then i gave it a little bit to much nutrients and it got nute burn so i think i just stressed it out. And then i clipped when the plant was a week into flowering so yea i stressed the bitch out haha. There was a very small amount of males pollen sacks and the buds got pretty big, so im keeping the mother plants. There actually doing very well. I had 5 clones and one mother plant around a month ago and now the 5 clones are small moms with at least 5 heads each and about 7-10 inches tall. The original mother is now about a foot and a half tall tied down and has at least 15 shoots. Its a beautiful plant. This happend to be a clone of the best plant i had that just finsihed flowering too. It yieled nicely for a smaller plant, the buds were coated in resin and had huge calaxes. Got lucky with the bag seed there. My original plan i have on another thread was to take those 5 clones and let them grow for a month or so and then take all possible clippings to have as many clones as possible for the upcoming outdoor season. I cut up two of the clones yesterday and now i have 12 clones rooting rite now and there doing great. I've been spraying them and keeping them moist and they havent even wilted. i still have 3 more of the mature clones and could get around 15 new clones from them. I'm just not sure if i want to cut up all three. I know im going to do it to at least one of them but two of the three are really nice plants. i topped them early and they have several heads and are very bushy. I think i might just let them keep growing until May and see how big they get with the huge head start. I don't know if im going to do this with the three i have left but it's deffinitly what im doing with the Original mom i've had growing for over a month and a half. After looking into subcools garden of weeden i had to try it out. I figure putting a nice bushy plant with over 15+ heads already 2 feet tall tied down into the ground in May in a great spot with direct sun all day and in some great soil and fed with some good nutes. She's going to be the biggest plant i have ever seen. Well thats the plant and i'll let you know how its going soon.


Active Member
I'm right there with you my man, I got 3 orange crush and 2 qleaner started last week all a coulpe inches long now and working on their second node now. It is gonna be an interesting year for sure.