It's time.. Just got some of Subcools clenaer.


Whats up guys. I've been trying to get some good seeds for a little while now and last night i finally did. One of my good friends came down for spring break and he gave me 8 F2 cleaner seeds that he pollinated himself. He got his original seeds last year from Subcool and they came out amazing outdoors. I'm germinating 5 of the seeds rite now and my plan is to sex them out as quick as possible tie down the females, maybe top them or something not too sure yet. Anything to get as many clippings as possible in the next month. I got a little over a month before May and the plan is to hopefully have 5 plus clones of some nice cleaner. I'll start postin pics when the seeds sprout.


It's been two days and only 2 popped so far. Hopefully ones a female, I don't think the others are gonna do anything but who knows i'll give them a couple more days.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Do you know which pheno....JQ or Querkle. I have both going and yes they are both pretty awesome. I have a shitload of clones too, but I think I'm going to go with Vortex outside as they finish up alot quicker than the Qleaners do. How did he do with them outdoors and do you know when his Qleaner finished last year outdoors?

Thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Generally, most plants won't show sex until they are six weeks old. If outside and started when they were, there's a good chance they won't show sex until Fall.


Started 3/14?

Add six weeks to sexual maturity = 4/25.

Say two weeks to begin vegging again = 5/9.

Three more weeks to veg enough to take clones = 5/30.

Two weeks to root the clones = 6/13.

That leaves about six weeks of veg time before bloom starts, about 8/1.

I've had plants top a pound, started in mid June.

I just wanted to post this so you don't get frustrated.

Patience pays huge rewards.



Active Member
Two is better than 0 for sure! I was not sure that any of them would pop since it was my first time pollinating but hey looks like I did alright. I had three different phenotypes, one pheno was a sativa dominant looking plant that ended up tall and very purple in the end. A very similar structured plant was the second though it grew a little slower and did not get as much color. The third phenotype was a very cool looking plant with huge fan leaves, a very thick stalk and little side branching. Unfortunately this plant was male and the only individual of that phenotype (perhaps the querkle?). They finished outdoors in mid-late October at 43* latitude.