Clones rooted. Getting ready for the outdoor season!


i have 5 clones and one mother plant. The mother plant is around 2 months old and the clones have just rooted. I'm going to grow the clones till the endof april then cut off all bottom growth for additional clones. Once i harden them off outside i'll throw them in the ground and watch them take off. I'll also be planting the rest of the moms that i took the clones off. Can't Wait!



The first Clone was growing faster than the rest so i pinched it and now its growing three heads. The first two plants are about a week an a half old from being clipped and the three in the same pot are only a week old. All the clones are growing under one 24" fluorescent tube and 2 25 watt cfl's. My 200 watt fluorescent light is being used for flowering 6 plants in my closet. They should be done in about a month, once they are i'll be swapping bulbs to my 6500k and let the clones take off in april before May.