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  1. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling leaves are turing

    im in mississippi its btween 85-90 during the the day but it gets very chilly this time of year at night and we keep all the windows up. the heating pad is on low and thats slighty warm. the color change started in when i the window, i get good sunlight at about 8:30 in the morning. but since...
  2. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling leaves are turing

    just water every 3 days. the soil is normally dry by then.i also have it sitting on a heating pad on low. thats because it gets cold here at night and my box is sitting on the floor. its growing its 2nd set of leaves but slow for it to be under the light 24 hrs.
  3. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling leaves are turing

    my plant has had a bad start. first it almost died of thirst now i got just right. it st's under a 23w 1 inch away 24 hours in a small box i made and now my leaves are yellowing. what can cause this?
  4. citygurlgonesouth

    do i need to clip my only two leaves

    i got my seed to sprout. after a few days it stopped growing and flopped over. o watered it and it stood up. the seedling leaves aer about dried up. my first two true are curled up and burned on the tips.??? should i cut these two leaves off or will they keep growing. batteries are dead on my...
  5. citygurlgonesouth

    leaves curled up

    My plant completely drooped over yesterday. It only have its first two started leaves and the two from the seedling. I read they can fall over from to little or to much water so i watered it and it stood up but my true leaves are curled like a u shape, while the two seedling leaves are shirking...
  6. citygurlgonesouth

    still want to know what y'all think

    the thread won't load. it keeps saying done but with errors...but anyway Is it ok to put plants in the sun light then place the seeding under grow light at night. I was also thinking of just putting the plants in the sun and not worrying about night. I live in Mississippi so we're still...
  7. citygurlgonesouth

    Murder Males?

    so the males do get crystals? tell me what i need to do with a male to get hash, this is the first ive heard of this everyone has always said toss them.
  8. citygurlgonesouth

    hardware about to close HELP!

    how many watts i think when i was in there they had soft cfl
  9. citygurlgonesouth

    hardware about to close HELP!

    no grow lights in this small town what else can i use?
  10. citygurlgonesouth

    part sunlight / indoor grow light

    i think that fresh air and sun is gonna be fine. once i see the problem with cam ill post the pic from before i put it out and how it looks after a few hours outside.
  11. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling question

    i was thinking that, way to jinks for the advice i'll let you know what it turns out to be.
  12. citygurlgonesouth

    part sunlight / indoor grow light

    just wanting to save on the bills plus i was thinking why not soak up the good lite i'm here in the day to shift them. that's what i do for my regular plants after i water them.
  13. citygurlgonesouth

    part sunlight / indoor grow light

    so once the sun went down you didn't use any other lite?
  14. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling question

    thanks i think my pic file may be to big cus it wont upload
  15. citygurlgonesouth

    part sunlight / indoor grow light

    Is it ok to put plants in the sun light then place the seeding under grow light at night. I was also thinking of just putting the plants in the sun and not worrying about night. The seedling is only 4 days old. I live in Mississippi so we're still getting about 12-14 hours of sun. Advice please
  16. citygurlgonesouth

    seedling question

    As i said before i germinated with the paper towl and planted the seedling but nothing happened in the soil. I decided to soak the seeds then place them straight in the soil. I had 6 seeds in a tray sectioned off in soil, i told my son to bring in the tray when the sun was going down and he...
  17. citygurlgonesouth

    Different Color of Seeeds

    The lite green seeds that i have come from some good ass weed andi have a that are bigger than the brow with vein running thew them... I'm keep not hard headed, i hear y'all but it won't hurt to see what will happen. I'll keep yall posted. All I keep thinking is how good the weed was that the...
  18. citygurlgonesouth

    Different Color of Seeeds

    First off i haven't grown in years and when i did i just poped the seed in he dirt and let it do its biz. Just plain water.I didnt know what i was doing but i got high. I got alot of seeds so a few weeks ago i germinated a few then put them in a pot of out side soil. NOTHING! They never sprouted...
  19. citygurlgonesouth

    Ever been addicted to a drug?

    I have an addictive personality: sex drugs, friendship, food, especially money. Anything my mind is set on is what i'm stuck on. I am a true wet paint kid. I cud here and see how a drug run u down and i'm on top of it...