seedling question

As i said before i germinated with the paper towl and planted the seedling but nothing happened in the soil. I decided to soak the seeds then place them straight in the soil.

I had 6 seeds in a tray sectioned off in soil, i told my son to bring in the tray when the sun was going down and he dropped the tray. The squares were still there just tossed in from him picking them up.

I didn't touch the tray for 4 days and today i say have 3 sprouts. I carefully picked up the the seedlings with the soil around and placed them in cups and watered them.

The picture below has a really strong long thick root. The root was exposed but it's been in the house will it survive and when will my leaves open ?

One has the shell still attached.The other may have come from a small seed because the steam is thin with small leafs ....does that matter.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
As i said before i germinated with the paper towl and planted the seedling but nothing happened in the soil. I decided to soak the seeds then place them straight in the soil.

I had 6 seeds in a tray sectioned off in soil, i told my son to bring in the tray when the sun was going down and he dropped the tray. The squares were still there just tossed in from him picking them up.

I didn't touch the tray for 4 days and today i say have 3 sprouts. I carefully picked up the the seedlings with the soil around and placed them in cups and watered them.

The picture below has a really strong long thick root. The root was exposed but it's been in the house will it survive and when will my leaves open ?

One has the shell still attached.The other may have come from a small seed because the steam is thin with small leafs ....does that matter.
You forgot to put the pic up, but I'm sure they'll be fine. The skinny one may be a runt, but runts often have a way of catching up to the others.


Active Member
both of the germination methods u tried should work... Nevertheless they consider the second method of soaking in water and planting the seed straightaway better..the point is not to mess around with those delicate roots too much ..That causes what they call STRESS for ur babies...whether ur plants will survive or not depends on ur efforts and a little bit of luck of course .try putting up pics(resize it ...make it smaller)..that way u can be helped to a great extent here in RIU...and dont give up on the small ones though..u just never know...and i guess i heard sumwhere( i might be wrong) that plants which grow fast and big turn ...male...??? ..thats maybe ofcourse !!! and best of luck with your grow!!!