part sunlight / indoor grow light

Is it ok to put plants in the sun light then place the seeding under grow light at night.

I was also thinking of just putting the plants in the sun and not worrying about night. The seedling is only 4 days old. I live in Mississippi so we're still getting about 12-14 hours of sun.

Advice please


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to put plants in the sun light then place the seeding under grow light at night.

I was also thinking of just putting the plants in the sun and not worrying about night. The seedling is only 4 days old. I live in Mississippi so we're still getting about 12-14 hours of sun.

Advice please
Do you mean actually placing it outside, or just in a window sill? If you are gonna keep them indoors it isn't a good idea to have them outdoors too, where you might pick up some pests. Direct sunlight can also be dangerous for young seedlings. As for window sills - I did that to my first grow and they stretched like mad, reaching for the light. I wouldn't if I was you, unless you plan on simply growing outdoors.
Good Luck!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont see why pests would be worse inside than out. the same bugs will still be on his plant the same as if he kept it outdoors only


Well-Known Member
i dont see why pests would be worse inside than out. the same bugs will still be on his plant the same as if he kept it outdoors only
Not what I said. I said, if he puts them outside, he could pick up pests that would not be there if they were left strictly indoors.


Well-Known Member
being that he has had them outdoors they prob already have pest he just doesn't know it yet, gnats are really bad in the south and he is just a little more to the south of me.
just wanting to save on the bills plus i was thinking why not soak up the good lite i'm here in the day to shift them. that's what i do for my regular plants after i water them.


Well-Known Member
just wanting to save on the bills plus i was thinking why not soak up the good lite i'm here in the day to shift them. that's what i do for my regular plants after i water them.
Well sir if your afraid of a few dollars on your power bill you better stop growing now, this isn't a cheap hobby to take on, to start if you want more than a few bowls your going need atleast $100 worth of shit maybe less depending but figure this until I pulled my males I was growing 26 plants using over 60CFLs racks, over 100 in soil
ech and i know ive spent over 800 more like a k or so but anyhow it cost to grow so if your afraid of power bills then this wont work out like you will want.

I fell ya tho Im a broke fool myself I sold a good deal of my shit to get by until I can get some skrilla from my work.


Yeah, but I'm still curious about the outside thing being we want the plants to get Uvb light right? Isn't that what the metal halide lamps do for us? But the pests thing. agggggg! I have to agree, why add salt to the wound of a limited budget when you have to deal with annoying crop killing pests? Keep 'em indoors.


Well-Known Member
Hey are you using a Halogen light? That won't do well at all for growing, def wasting electricity there.


Well-Known Member
Well sir if your afraid of a few dollars on your power bill you better stop growing now, this isn't a cheap hobby to take on, to start if you want more than a few bowls your going need atleast $100 worth of shit maybe less depending but figure this until I pulled my males I was growing 26 plants using over 60CFLs racks, over 100 in soil
ech and i know ive spent over 800 more like a k or so but anyhow it cost to grow so if your afraid of power bills then this wont work out like you will want.

I fell ya tho Im a broke fool myself I sold a good deal of my shit to get by until I can get some skrilla from my work.
lol, in this economy every dollar counts my friend. he can save money and use a light source that destroys even a 1000w hps .....the sun...... for free. 24/7 cfls or 12-14 hours of sun and the rest of the night cfls, what would you rather have? im game for some extremely high quality lighting for free......
i think that fresh air and sun is gonna be fine. once i see the problem with cam ill post the pic from before i put it out and how it looks after a few hours outside.


Well-Known Member
The sun isn't the best source, I won't argue it but based on location in the states the sun isn't nearly as efficient here as others

but if your broke, your broke, that halogen light is a waste use the sun instead on that one, get CFLs if you want to use indoor light.
Im done here