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  1. Spooky MacPorkler

    The Goddamn Coons

    A couple of coons managed to scurry under my fence and not only shred my crop, but ruined my tomato and basil plants also. Whats a good way to keep racoons from gettin to my ganja?
  2. Spooky MacPorkler

    How Much Longer?

    U live u learn i guess.
  3. Spooky MacPorkler

    Tricked my Balls Shaving

    fuggin confusing, kno wat i mean
  4. Spooky MacPorkler

    what to do if cops want to bust you without probable cause

    that pic looks like hes about to ram the brick and not the door lolol
  5. Spooky MacPorkler

    Can a Transplant cause a Hermie?

    I transplanted my only female today, and i feel the transplant went very smooth. However a few little bits of roots ripped. The plant is only 1 week into flower and JUST began to show signs of bein a female. Can this transplant cause this to go hermie due to stress?
  6. Spooky MacPorkler


    Is a half-gallon container enough to sustain a plant for its entire life? Or will it die?
  7. Spooky MacPorkler

    Getting Busted Question

    Lets say the cops get an anonymous tip that i am growing ONE plant under a couple cfls. Will they still get a warrant and bust down my door and have me arrested, or do you think they just have bigger fish to fry?
  8. Spooky MacPorkler

    i need good soil

    This should solve all of your soil-related problems:
  9. Spooky MacPorkler


    well thats me, day late n a dolla short.
  10. Spooky MacPorkler


    The one on the right in the first pic is male. You can see pollen sac clusters on the top cola.
  11. Spooky MacPorkler

    Homemade dirt

    I mix coffee grounds, banana peels, orange peels, lettuce, cardboard, and more coffee grounds all together and mash them imto a thick mixture. Then I put the mixture in a box and shit in it. Then i mix it all together and plant my seeds. Works every time.:leaf:
  12. Spooky MacPorkler


    Couldi like cram some popsicles down the dirt like fertlizer spikes but sugar would that be ok?
  13. Spooky MacPorkler

    Gobblefunk Stick

    Anyone here grow the gobblefunk sticks? i heard ww aint got shit on it :leaf:
  14. Spooky MacPorkler

    12/12 at 3 Weeks Old: PROBLEM

    Its been 11 days since the switch to 12/12 and there are no signs of sex. Switched at 3 weeks old. Should I see sex by now or am I just way too impatient?
  15. Spooky MacPorkler

    12/12 at 3 Weeks: problem.

    It has been 11 days since the switch to 12/12 and there is still no signs of sex. Wtf is happening? No light leaks by the way.
  16. Spooky MacPorkler

    billy mays dies in sleep man he was amega millionaire

    I heard he lost his balance and fell into a tub of Mighty Putty
  17. Spooky MacPorkler

    watering debate

    tl;dr .
  18. Spooky MacPorkler

    11 days of 12/12 and still no sex?

    Thanks for all the help guys much appreciated
  19. Spooky MacPorkler

    11 days of 12/12 and still no sex?

    they have TOTAL darkness