watering debate


Active Member
K so looking to discuss different watering opinions. outdoors!.

almost everywhere you look people say do not water ever day...water when the top couple inches gets dry. Well if your where I'm at the top inches gets dry ever day...no matter how often you water it.

In my opinion water it when the plants look like they need it. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE who is trying to tell you to put your plants on a a schedule outdoors. Will never be as successful as you could be. Your plants will tell you when they need water. The very very tips will start to turn yellow or brown...THEY NEED WATER!. I am so frustrated when people are like don't worry about a couple yellow leaves...the plant is just sending the nutrients where it needs to be...NO! not true...maybe one leaf! but if you have multiple leaves turning yellow on you more than likely its just under watered... i don't want to get into the possibility of deficiencies anywhere else because this is for watering discussion only.

Some days I water twice a day... and some times ya i only water ever other...I will never go three days without watering...that is ridiculous!! way too long... 72 hours w/out water...THATS CRAZY! are you joking!!!! it's not a fucking ficus... lol

Even if you are a fan of giving your plants lots of water every time you water so that you can do it less often you need to watch out for flushing your soil. There are so many different amounts of water per gallon of soil to flush it or (leach) whichever you wish to call it. I mean by opinions of how much you should water to flush. I have seen some say as little as 1 gallon of water per every 5 gallons of soil once a day for about a week. But then I have seen as much as like 2 gallons of water for ever 4 gallons of soil twice a day for about a week. The truth is there is no real answer. if you are growing indoors and everything is controlled then yes there is. but outdoors there are too many variables. but the one thing about that to remember is you don't want to flush out your nutrients...unless your not using organic, but then why fuck are you not using organic??/ are you trying to get cancer..or just some street drug dealer who doesn't give a shit... either way your dumb. use organic.. you can't burn your plants.,..you can use as much nutrients as you want, you won't get nutrient lock. but with too much water you can still flush out the nutrients...all that money spent on some good fertilizers...washed away with too much watering... which is why i think a lot of people say don't water ever day.

and to their defense they're looking out for a main concern, the nutrient intake.

But if you spend time with your plants you will know when they are thirsty. water at night or in the morning. Its more important to already have the water available for a hot day then let it get hot and then try to cool them down by adding water.

When your top couple inches of soil are dry and light brown water the soil to get dark black again. Probably the best way to learn a good watering amount is dig your hole...put in the soil....WHEN ITS AN AVERAGE TEMPERATURE...later morning/early afternoon, or late afternoon, not in the peak of the heat, or at the coolest time of day add water. Then dig your hand to the bottom of the hole and see how wet the bottom layer of soil got. if its not wet...use more water. if it is....your good. now you know how much water it takes to fill that hole.... but obviously when you get a plant in there and as it gets bigger it will drink more water..but its a minuscule amount compared to the entire amount of water it takes to fill a whole big enough to grow an outdoor plant.

These are my opinions...I provide cannabis to patients...so it has to be approved top of the line in the market before it's used. so i know that what im doing is working...but am also always looking to improve...so if anyone disagrees with anything that i have said please share your opinion...I am looking to spark a little debate and hear the WHY's and reasoning behind your logic.

thank you, I hope this helps, and clears up a lot of the confusion out there.


Well-Known Member
sry i didnt read the whole thing but.

are you growing in the desert high temp low humidity? then you probly do need to water as you said, when the plant needs it. i think watering in cycles is for indoor plants w/ controlled environments


Well-Known Member
obviously yeah it would depend on your enviroment and how big the plant is , also not 1 enviroment is the same as another so it would vary to each individual with different heat'humidity'space etc ... imo


Well-Known Member
Watering schedules are for indoors. outdors the water can betaken out the soild really fast by dry heat. On a hot day the soil can go rock hard. Outdoors you can get away with out watering for weeks at a time. If it rains all the time you never have to water. If you got no rain and high heat low humidity you might have to water everyday, I have. I used to get home go check the plants and water if needed like you I've watered in the morning before work come home and had to water again. Outdoors has a lot of variables on watering schedule. You can always add some Peatmoss to retain more water the plants like this a lot.


Well-Known Member
I water twice a day here in FL. In direct sunlight, my ladies are bone dry wilting by midday if I don't water in the morning too. It's important if you're watering during the day you don't scald the leaves, I usually only let the leaves get soaked in the evening with the sprinklers. The best time of day to fully soak everything is around 5 o'clock so they have plenty of time to get the leaves dry before dark. Most of your mold problems and such happen at night if everything is too wet.


Well-Known Member
I water twice a day here in FL. In direct sunlight, my ladies are bone dry wilting by midday if I don't water in the morning too.
I'm in Florida too and I haven't once watered my outdoor plants since starting in mid April. The water table isn't any further than 2 feet down here though... so even if it hadn't been raining regularly they'd still be fine I'm sure.