what to do if cops want to bust you without probable cause


New Member
Its all about getting busted today, now i feel parra as am 1-2 weeks from harvest, a pic says a thousand words so right back at you. lol

now am mega parra lol.
Those guys are lucky the cops in their town are pussies! If you handled a police knock like that where I live you'd have seen a video of a couple of hippies getting thrown to the ground and a camera fade to black. Never open the door, never go outside, if you fuck up and make visual contact with them and have to communicate through a window, then never use profanity or get disrespectful. Stay assertive and respectful and never open the door. Also, never open the door.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
that one guy sounds like a whiney bitch, so it made me laugh at the end when they were screaming "faggot." also, that should be a video of how NOT to behave when talking to the police.