11 days of 12/12 and still no sex?


Active Member
Are they getting complete darkness when the light is off?
If they don't show in the next 4-5 days, my guess is there is a light leak.


Active Member
As a first time grower myself this may not be accurate, but every plant is different in its own ways. It just needs more time and it will show eventually. I got 5 females out of 16 plants from bag seed and everyone of them showed sex on different days. Some didn't show till weeks after the others.


Well-Known Member
This past grow my haze was under 12/12 for i think 30 days before showing sex. There are NO light leaks in my box it was just a genetics thing. I also did grow them 12/12 from seed which would explain that. Like Cap K said give them more veg time next go around and they will sex faster. Also what evl01a4 said is true, each strain or kind of plant or different seed is going to have different results. Hope this helps
