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  1. dano1985

    How to prevent PH & PPM spikes?

    how and why does the ph creep up so fast oh these? every time i check it, the ph is up.... how do I prevent this and/or stop it??? + rep...
  2. dano1985

    dome ON or dome OFF?

    thanks I will for sure keep i off!!
  3. dano1985

    dome ON or dome OFF?

    Our seeds sprouted through or plugs yesterday and we have them in a tray with a dome over it.. we are wondering if we should keep it on or take it off.. I've heared some many differnt opinions on this but whats truly best?? We are also using a heat mat and there under two t5 fl bulds if that...
  4. dano1985

    Insulating a room/grow tent

    hey, just my input but If you only have one 600w hps wich does let off some heat I dont think you will really need to worry. Like JDC said there looking for big operations where when they fly over the whole hose blows up on the infa-red, they dont really go from house to house in cars scaing...
  5. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    will do!! thanks again stump...
  6. dano1985

    seed bigger/fatter no crack?

    ah, with 8 days and no signs of life I would guess duds... Dont give up but wait a little longer and see what happens, im curious too... and next time put the seeds in a cup of water for a day they should sink, then you can just plant them in dirt and they should grow on there own...
  7. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    thanks stumps for all your info, Yeah ive grown in soil before and had sucess.. and I also cloned in plugs and a dome box set up and that worked fine... just cant get these dam white widows to take off in the rockwoll, hopfully they will work in these starter plugs we are tring.. I am going to...
  8. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    Also if anyone knows where there is some good info on germanating seeds let me know!! I really need some good info, and some questions answered... I have too much money in these wws to keep failing... I hope sum of these last three surive!!
  9. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    yeah we are using feminized seeds so hopfully all girls!!
  10. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    yeah my guess is that he was over watering after he let them "get dry", but I dont really know... they were about an 1" to an 1 1/2" when they stopped growing... pisses me off cause Were 50/50 on our whole hydro system and were growing at his house so he takes most care of them..."cant wait to...
  11. dano1985

    problems sprouting seeds...

    So we tried to start two seeds ordered from nirvana. we were using the 2x2 rockwool cubes, we soaked them in a 5.8 ph level water for 12 hrs like were told. We put the seeds in and waited and watered, the both sprouted strong and grew for a few days.3rd or 4th day problem: my buddy is watering...
  12. dano1985

    Seed germinated but with slimy tap root

    yeah try it in some may take off.. the slimy part i have never seen or notice i gues but i ushally put them in moist towel and just let them sit for a few days...
  13. dano1985

    how much power is too much power??

    what are you using the 50 amps for?? Im a electrican, if you need 50 for one piece of equiptment then you will need a bigger wire and a 50 amp breaker. If you need 50 amps in a room to add circits I would just run a few 20 amp branch circuts to the "room" or what ever, this will run most any...
  14. dano1985

    how much power is too much power??

    hey, I appricate any input... it seems we have a little differance in opinoin.. I think it would be smart to ramp it up slow tho, like it seems if you jump up they will see that and wonder how it got so high so fast!!! thanks guys keep the awesome advice coming!! Thanks!
  15. dano1985

    how much power is too much power??

    just Wondering peoples opinion on how much power you can comsume on a residential dwelling with-out throwing A "RED FLAG"... Im tring to decide how big to go, but I been pretty small for awhile and no one 400w hps and one 400 mh running at once.. plus living in the house... I've...
  16. dano1985

    Secret Door and mirror

    Im pretty sure that mirror is custom made, You have to be inventive to hide stuff..