seed bigger/fatter no crack?

this is my first time growing ANYTHING
and my seeds are fatter because the water they absorbed but, no signs of cracks...
1 is almost fully black (8 days in wet paper towel)
1is kinda whitish green with black spots.(2 days)

should i jus wait a bit longer or is the first one a dud.

and i hope the second one is gonna be a success.

what should i do with these?


Well-Known Member
8 days is a lot in the paper towel without growing mold. Are you sure the towel is wet enough to begin germination? Do you keep it in plastic to keep it wet or are you moistening it? Are you keeping it warm?

Two days is too early to tell. 8 days is too long, you're doing something wrong or the seed is a dud.

Good luck!
yes its wet enough . i made sure there was a little bit excess water, just a little. and i'm keeping it in a closed plastic container to keep it moist and keep moisture from escaping. and its completely pitch black night and day.
day 3 of the seed and no signs of cracks.
are both of them duds?


ah, with 8 days and no signs of life I would guess duds... Dont give up but wait a little longer and see what happens, im curious too... and next time put the seeds in a cup of water for a day they should sink, then you can just plant them in dirt and they should grow on there own...


Well-Known Member
well where did you get the seeds from? if its bagseed then you might have problems, especially if theyre taking this long to crack then your plant wont be as good either. ordering online can be risky but the seeds are guaranteed to grow right