Insulating a room/grow tent


Well-Known Member
Ok so with my 1st grow nearly out of the road - im thinking about my next one, which is gonna be bigger and better.

Im gonna use a 600wHPS to flower approx 16 plants for roughly an oz per plant.

Now there are two ways i could do this with the size consideration i could get a tent which i could put in large cupboard or i could use the cupboard itself (its basically a small room)...

Im gonna carbon filter to get rid of odor, stick some ona in too to be on the safe side and hopefully the fans wont make too much noise - the one thing that im really worried about is the heat signature. Ive seen it on the news and tv of cops busting grow ops using infra red cameras etc and i dont want this to happen... so from reading up on here ive heard that its best to insulate your entire growroom to stop this from happening

Has anyone on here got any experience of doing this, and if so what type of material did you use for it... its probably the thing that worries me most about getting caught.



Well-Known Member
I use air-cooled hoods and have my light cycle during the night time only,and I also have a swamp cooler to keep my temps low.As long as you keep your temps around the same temp the rest of your house you don't have to worry there are lots of things that produce heat in houses,huge grow ops are usually the ones that get busted 'cause of heat,I'd be more worried bout smell.I have heard of some type of material that blocks the infrared rays somehow i read on a thread somewhere just don't remember if it was on this site.


Well-Known Member
I use air-cooled hoods and have my light cycle during the night time only,and I also have a swamp cooler to keep my temps low.As long as you keep your temps around the same temp the rest of your house you don't have to worry there are lots of things that produce heat in houses,huge grow ops are usually the ones that get busted 'cause of heat,I'd be more worried bout smell.I have heard of some type of material that blocks the infrared rays somehow i read on a thread somewhere just don't remember if it was on this site.
By air cooled hoods do you mean an air cooled HPS, also what is a swamp cooler?

Someone told me to insulate the tent.


hey, just my input but If you only have one 600w hps wich does let off some heat I dont think you will really need to worry. Like JDC said there looking for big operations where when they fly over the whole hose blows up on the infa-red, they dont really go from house to house in cars scaing houses"unless they suspect something".. If you keep you lite in the basement or out of areas the can be easily scaned then you should be fine. Your house would have to be pretty hot thruogh-out to throw flags to them, you would be almost uncomfortable... Atleast thats what ive heard and read but you can never be to safe!!


Well-Known Member
Air-cooled hood
A swamp cooler is a device that cools air through simple evaporation of water unlike an A/C unit it produces humidity.It's good for dry regions,A/C works better to cool off areas but swamp cooler is much cheaper on your light bill.AS LONg as you cool your area down you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Ok... im still worried about this.

I will be using the 600w hps with the air cooled hood, anyone have any good ideas on how to get the temps down in there... and do i need insulation???


Well-Known Member
prob no insulation(edit ...didnt c the cop stealth heat sig thing..umm use a tent which has the black and white poly already..other than that dont know bout xray copvision)..if ur using a tent..did u say u were? well that air cooled hood...rig flex dryer vent or bigger flex ducting to it...and run it out a vent in ur tent...via a 4 or 6 in can fan..hook the other side of the hood 2 some more flex duct of the same size and install a carbon scrubber...ur done with heat and smell, for just a single 600...200cfm exhaust fan will work brilliantly..then if theres a bottom vent this will work as passive otherwords the air drawn thro the srubber and over ur bulb and out will be bottom fed air from outside the tent..hope that helps peace