problems sprouting seeds...


So we tried to start two seeds ordered from nirvana. we were using the 2x2 rockwool cubes, we soaked them in a 5.8 ph level water for 12 hrs like were told. We put the seeds in and waited and watered, the both sprouted strong and grew for a few days.3rd or 4th day problem: my buddy is watering them at his house and claims they got dry and wilted a little...:cry:

I told im to water check the ph again, he did and one looked like it was fine and the other looked like its leaves were dieing, but still had some green left...

Were now on day 9 and the one that looked healty feel right out of the rockwool like it detached from its roots and the other is looking the same as it did on day 5, it hasnt really grown at all...Im wondering if anyone know what could have gone wrong...

so we kind of gave up on those seeds and started 3 more in some differnt plugs "not impressed with rockwools"
and now im watering..

how moist should my plugs be?
should I use a heat mat?
should i keep the dome on?
and how long does it normally take the seed to be ready to transfer into my waterfarm??

any input would be great frist grow so I know little about this... Thanks tons.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't use rockwool. But if they sprouted and then went bad they are probley getting to much water. sprouts need very little light and water for the first few weeks.


yeah my guess is that he was over watering after he let them "get dry", but I dont really know... they were about an 1" to an 1 1/2" when they stopped growing... pisses me off cause Were 50/50 on our whole hydro system and were growing at his house so he takes most care of them..."cant wait to get my house"... anyway I have also been reading that White widow seeds are hard to grow, thats what we have and orderd again..... should we call and try a differnt seed or just keep trying these? I just think he needs to get the watering down not too much but keep them moist. thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
spliting a grow will always suck. I've been growing for close to three years and still use bag seed. Sometimes it comes out crap but I've also got some really good stuff too. I start 7 seeds at a time to find two or three girls. lol started off doing 20 at a time was getting at least 50% girls


spliting a grow will always suck. I've been growing for close to three years and still use bag seed. Sometimes it comes out crap but I've also got some really good stuff too. I start 7 seeds at a time to find two or three girls. lol started off doing 20 at a time was getting at least 50% girls
yeah we are using feminized seeds so hopfully all girls!!


Also if anyone knows where there is some good info on germanating seeds let me know!! I really need some good info, and some questions answered... I have too much money in these wws to keep failing... I hope sum of these last three surive!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I use a bubbler for clones but all my seed are in soil. I use cups and seedling soil. I soak my seeds for about 24hr then place them in cups soil about half full. the soil is damp not wet when I put the seed in. just cover the seed with a few grains of soil then give it 3 good sprays from a spray bottle. Then put them under a 42w cfl or a 4' flour fixture depending on how many. I place the light about an inch of my cups till they sprout then move them up to 4" off the tops. form plant to sprout I might give them one or two more sprays. After the sprout. I let the soil dry a bit a day or two then spray till I get a good run off and again in 2-4 days. the roots need to dry a bit even in rockwool I think.


Well-Known Member
Ment to say hope this helps a little. hopefully you'll get some water farmers to help or there are threads about this type of grow.


Well-Known Member
lol no I don't think so. But they don't need much in the first few weeks. I use the light more for heat. For me bigger lights= more heat or to much.


thanks stumps for all your info, Yeah ive grown in soil before and had sucess.. and I also cloned in plugs and a dome box set up and that worked fine... just cant get these dam white widows to take off in the rockwoll, hopfully they will work in these starter plugs we are tring.. I am going to try yo water less, I will just try to keep them damp no soaked, and hope for the best!!!