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  1. BudJunky

    run-off testing?

    Sorry to hijack, but could you tell me how you test your runnoff pH individually? I have always been worried it would gunk up my electronic tester. And how do you gather the water for testing? My trays are rather large that my pots are in so the water doesn't get deep enough for the tester to...
  2. BudJunky

    My Regeneration Experience

    1. I could keep using the same plant to harvest thus never having to purchase a seed or take a clone. Simply flower and cut most of the buds you want then put it back to an 18/6 or 24/0 light cycle and let it regrow its foliage, then switch back to 12/12 and get her flowering again. You can...
  3. BudJunky

    My Regeneration Experience

    Any input from RIU users that have completed or at least attempted a regeneration would be great. I am really extremely hopeful that this will work. This is by far the best strain I've ever had let alone seen. (In real life that is) I would be heartbroken if I lost it. Please nudge me in the...
  4. BudJunky

    My Regeneration Experience

    Hi all, I just harvested my favorite strain I've grown up to this point.(Which happened to be my best grow also) Unfortunately the clones I took before she was flowered didn't take too well. Now I'm exploring the possibility of regeneration. I have pics of her before she was chopped, and after...
  5. BudJunky

    Harvesting.. Can a plant look spent before trich's start to change color?

    This has also happened with my strain. I started my flush when I started to see it get yellowed leaves and began starting to check trichs. I actually had to give it grow and bloom nutes since flush because it's been so long since I started flushing. I recently saw some amber though so all is...
  6. BudJunky

    Correctly Using and Maintaining an electronic pH meter?

    WTF should I use then? I just got like 5 different ranges. 6.0-6.2 seems to be about the middle of everyone? P.S. I am using soil not hydro.
  7. BudJunky

    Does this thing look okay?

    1k watt.. :cry: I haven't been feeding much at all. Maybe a cup of water/nutes every 2-3 days alternating b/w nutes and water each time. I pH everything to 6.3-6.5 usually closer to 6.5.. My temps are always 70-80. Why are those top leaves so spindly?
  8. BudJunky

    Does this thing look okay?

    Just wondering if my plant looks healthy in other people's opinions. It's been in the flowering room for about 6 weeks and I'm suprised I still don't really see more than white hairs.
  9. BudJunky

    when two water

    pH matters very much.. Watering will depend on your soil mix. I would not suggest once a day unless you're using a mix that allows for a lot of fast drainage. I have found it is much easier to overwater than to underwater. There are also a lot more potential problems with overwatering such as...
  10. BudJunky

    Yup, Another are they ready thread..

    Oh ya, It's been in my flowering room for 9 weeks so I guess it's been flowering for maybe 7?
  11. BudJunky

    Yup, Another are they ready thread..

    Took clones from a friend claiming he had purple kush. I thought it was bullshit till I saw a portion of purple on my plant. I then took it out of my HPS room to find it really was purple. Just wanted to ask you guys if this is purple kush or is it another purple strain and if it might be done...
  12. BudJunky

    First reading with TDS meter

    They do make ph/E.C./TDS combo meters. Just wondering tho, isn't it common sense that you would use a TDS meter to check TDS and a pH meter to check pH? Do you ever put an electricity tester in your mouth to check your temp if your sick?
  13. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    I think I might wait until after christmas. Maybe there'll be more deals then.
  14. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    Got it narrowed down to a few.. Samsung: Kodak:
  15. BudJunky

    Correctly Using and Maintaining an electronic pH meter?

    Also.. I just wanted to make sure that I was going for the right pH. I've been aiming for 6.0-6.7. If it matters at all my potting mix is 75% peat moss, vermiculite and perlite.
  16. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    Ya I'm lookin at a 10-12 mp camera but I don't see any micro or macro options. I assume it should be decent.
  17. BudJunky

    Correctly Using and Maintaining an electronic pH meter?

    I have real calibration solution if you didn't see that before dude. And that's what I used to calibrate it so.. I believe it's right, I was just having problems with the reading drifting in distilled water. Any 3rd party opinions?
  18. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    Ya I don't see anything about micros or macros anywhere. I do see megapixels tho..
  19. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    Alright thanks guys.. Is there any you could suggest from the page I gave? Price is the biggest key for me, but I do understand that different lighting and stuff will affect my pictures and the difference in green and yellow can be big when trying to get help with plant problems.
  20. BudJunky

    Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?

    Anybody? Any key features I should look for to take pics in HPS lighting?