My Regeneration Experience


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I just harvested my favorite strain I've grown up to this point.(Which happened to be my best grow also) Unfortunately the clones I took before she was flowered didn't take too well. Now I'm exploring the possibility of regeneration. I have pics of her before she was chopped, and after. I wanted to show other RIU users what I did in my experience and if it is successful. From my research I've summarized the process into a step by step procedure.

1. Harvest only what you need. (Usually leave the lower 3rd of the plant intact keeping as much green foliage as possible.)

2. Put the plant under a vegetative light cycle. (I used 24/0)

3. Feed the plant a high N nute. (I'm using a 3-2-4 liquid organic nute. Botanicare PureBlend Pro Grow to be exact)

*I haven't fed any nutes since the harvest. My soil was still moderately moist from the last watering and I've had a major problem with overwatering/nute burn.

Now for some pics.

Immediately Before Harvest:

After Harvest:

So now I guess any thoughts, suggestions, or comments are welcome and appreciated. ~Peacebongsmilie~


Well-Known Member
Any input from RIU users that have completed or at least attempted a regeneration would be great. I am really extremely hopeful that this will work. This is by far the best strain I've ever had let alone seen. (In real life that is) I would be heartbroken if I lost it.
Please nudge me in the right direction if you notice something out of the ordinary or that you don't agree with!


Active Member
I dont really know what you are trying to accomplish here. Do you want all the bud to turn back into leaves and start vegetating again? What will this do for the benefit of the plant?


Well-Known Member
1. I could keep using the same plant to harvest thus never having to purchase a seed or take a clone. Simply flower and cut most of the buds you want then put it back to an 18/6 or 24/0 light cycle and let it regrow its foliage, then switch back to 12/12 and get her flowering again. You can always of course take the bigger buds and keep it on 12/12 to let the smaller popcorn buds get much bigger.

2. The reason I'm actually doing this is the entire batch of clones I took from her the first time failed. Now I am re-vegging her so I can get some clones off her that succeed.

I got this plant from a friend that got lucky and inherited it from his friends sister. I had a hell of a time getting clones off that bastard to begin with so I'm not letting these genetics go.


Active Member
1. I could keep using the same plant to harvest thus never having to purchase a seed or take a clone. Simply flower and cut most of the buds you want then put it back to an 18/6 or 24/0 light cycle and let it regrow its foliage, then switch back to 12/12 and get her flowering again. You can always of course take the bigger buds and keep it on 12/12 to let the smaller popcorn buds get much bigger.

2. The reason I'm actually doing this is the entire batch of clones I took from her the first time failed. Now I am re-vegging her so I can get some clones off her that succeed.

I got this plant from a friend that got lucky and inherited it from his friends sister. I had a hell of a time getting clones off that bastard to begin with so I'm not letting these genetics go.
That doesnt cause stress issues with the plants genetics? Cant it hermie or something?