Buying camera to getter better help, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm looking to buy a camera so I can getter better advice from all of you, to share my setup, and hopefully eventually return the favor and help some of you with a grow log or two. I've got a pricerange of under $75 . I would also prefer to use the website . You can find the camera selection I have to choose from by going to the following link: 4026&name=$50 - $75

Thanks all and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
macro setting is really all youll need

maybe somthing high in megapixels; i think 12.1 is the highest these days.

i just sold a top of the line camera with macro and face, blink and smile detection as well as being 12.1 megapixels. get this though, the cam was worth 220 and i sold it for 20$ and a small bag of dope


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks guys.. Is there any you could suggest from the page I gave? Price is the biggest key for me, but I do understand that different lighting and stuff will affect my pictures and the difference in green and yellow can be big when trying to get help with plant problems.


Well-Known Member
i like the GE at the top of the page and the polaroid at the bottom of the page, but i only gave it a quick glance. also i didnt see anything about micros or macros, but i maybe didnt look hard enough


Well-Known Member
if price is really your biggest determiner, you can get by with the real cheap cameras
i know many of the hard core picture artists may advise against that
but if you are mostly concerned with help, then one of those 2 megapixel cheapos will do the job
doesn't give super nice pics, but check my grow log in my signature, haven't seen any complaints on the pics


New Member
yeah price range is the definition of your camera. what you got to spend? easy to identify key features for a particular price or range.


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm lookin at a 10-12 mp camera but I don't see any micro or macro options. I assume it should be decent.


Active Member
any camera with 10-12mp for 75$ is going to be a piece of junk. get a kodak. DO NOT get a GE. also maybe get a samsung

MP's do not make a good camera i have a 6mp photography takes way better pictures then you'd think for only 6mp.