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  1. S

    Honey Oil

    Yeah, that is really helpful. Thanks for your post.
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    Honey Oil

    Yeah, I can make oil easy with Naptha...and its potent also. I like to drizzle some of it onto a bowl and smoke it that way. Ive just had this bug up my arse to make honey oil with that pure, golden color and have tried just about everything. I've filtered and reflitered using different...
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    Honey Oil

    Disclaimer - I'm not real sure if this is the forum I should be posting my question to. I looked around and nothing really fit the bill. But if I should move this thread somewhere else, someone please let me know. Okay - So the only tech I have been able to come across for making honey oil...
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    Storage of Cannabis

    I'm not a very heavy smoker, and am getting pretty good with my harvests. So my stash is stocking up pretty good. What are some good ways to store cannabis? Does cannabis degrade in potency over time? I have always made the assumption that if it does it is very minimalistic. Now however, that...
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    Advanced Nutrients: Bud Blood & Super Bud Blaster

    I used Advanced and am pleased with my results. I am new this hobby and am very pleased with the results I am getting. I honestly thought it would take years to get the results I am getting. I started using Bud Blood a couple of cycles ago, and it definitely inititates flowering much faster...
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    Two Plants per Pot?

    Thanks for your insights y'all. Peace.
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    Two Plants per Pot?

    I let my plants get to a little under six feet in my little 3 x 4 grow area, and I grow them in three gallon pots. Even at that height, the root structure is only using up maybe half of the soil area. So I am wondering what will happen if I double up each pot with two plants. 1) Will the roots...
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    Why Doest't My Marijuana Smell Like Marijuana?

    I got the seeds on a trade for a spore print. Supposedly they are NYCSD. I ain't buyin' it. It is definitely sativa. Who knows what it is though.
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    Why Doest't My Marijuana Smell Like Marijuana?

    Cool, those are some encouraging posts. It has only been curing for two days. This is my first successful grow (after one unsuccessful try). I just thought it would smell like marijuana right off the vine. I guess not though. Peace
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    Why Doest't My Marijuana Smell Like Marijuana?

    Does anyone have any idea as to why these buds don't smell even remotely like marijuana? When it was on the plant, it smelled somewhat like marijuana. Then I harvested. Now it is dry and during in a mason jar. It doesnt' however, smell even remotely like marijuana. I just don't get why it...
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    When Should I Flush My Nutes?

    alright, thanks
  12. S

    When Should I Flush My Nutes?

    Right. I get that. What I am trying to find out is roughly when the harvest will be......based upon the 'just starting to turn cloudy' status of my trichomes. Should I start flushing now? or is 'just starting to turn cloudy' to soon to start flushing.
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    When Should I Flush My Nutes?

    My problem is this. I have a really sativa dominant strain...NYCD so I am told. I turned them eight weeks ago to the day. I have been looking at this link about when to harvest.
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    Does Cloning Yield an IDENTICAL Genetic Copy?

    Reading your post gave me the same feeling I get when I have been struggling with a difficult math problem for a long time, and then when I see the answer it was so obvious that I want to just kick myself in the teeth. It is so obvious. I guess I was thinking too simplistically about the whole...
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    Does Cloning Yield an IDENTICAL Genetic Copy?

    Cool, that is good to know. That is pretty much the way cloning works with mycology (even though cloning doesn't yield identical copies in that case). So, your comment was kind of what I was hoping to hear. All seven clones that are in veg now were taken from that good plant. We shall see I guess.
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    Does Cloning Yield an IDENTICAL Genetic Copy?

    ....or is cloning like it is in mycology? That is to say that when you clone a mushroom, you increase the odds of getting the trait(s) that you are looking to clone...but you are also getting a lot of other genetics in there. The reason that I am wondering is that I am on my second grow now...
  17. S

    How Do I 'Break' a Plant?

    I don't want to necessarily make it smaller. They have about eight more weeks of flower left to finish. They will out grow their grow area before that time though. So when they get as big as my area will let them, I want to stop them from getting any bigger than they will be at that point. The...
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    How Do I 'Break' a Plant?

    I have some Sativa dominant plants that (through some poor planning on my part) I waited to long to turn to flower. These babies stretch like Mr. Fantastic. I remember reading some time back where someone was talking about breaking their plant in order inhibit growth. If I understand correctly...
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    When Should I flush My Nutes

    Sweet! Thanks for the help. You guys rock! :bigjoint:
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    When Should I flush My Nutes

    Thanks you guys for responding so quick. I just want to be clear about something though. Are you guys saying to wait until they trichomes are cloudy, and THEN start a two week flush?