When Should I flush My Nutes


I was led to believe I was growing NYCSD. I am pretty sure I am not since this strain is not behaving like that strain should. So in sum, I am not sure what I have.

The main problem is that my flowering period has been taking much longer than expected. Myplants are very, very sativa. So after nearly ten weeks, trichomes have started to appear.

This is my first time growing, and I would like to give my plants a good week and a half to two weeks to flush the nutes.

So in general, is there a usuaul amount of time between when trichomes begin to appear, and when I should harvest? This is pretty tricky since I am not sure exactly what I have.

Thanks for any insight. Peace.


Well-Known Member
some photos would help.... I have had sativas take up to 16 weeks to finish in soil


Ok, I can't take any decent pics that will betray what my plants look like at this point. My camera just ain't nearly good enough to do the job any justice. I went out though and bought one of those little 100x microscopes from Radio Shack. The trichomes on my plants look exactly like the ones in the photo below.

So to reiterate; my precise question is if I shoudl start flushing my nutes now, or should I wait a wile longer before I start flushing.

Thanks for any advice and peace.



Active Member
ive heard let em get 50 50 cloudy/amber color. when they get close to 50/50 then start a two week flush.


Thanks you guys for responding so quick. I just want to be clear about something though. Are you guys saying to wait until they trichomes are cloudy, and THEN start a two week flush?