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  1. S

    When Should I flush My Nutes

    Ok, I can't take any decent pics that will betray what my plants look like at this point. My camera just ain't nearly good enough to do the job any justice. I went out though and bought one of those little 100x microscopes from Radio Shack. The trichomes on my plants look exactly like the ones...
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    When Should I flush My Nutes

    I was led to believe I was growing NYCSD. I am pretty sure I am not since this strain is not behaving like that strain should. So in sum, I am not sure what I have. The main problem is that my flowering period has been taking much longer than expected. Myplants are very, very sativa. So...
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    When Do Trichomes Begin To Appear?

    Ok, trichomes have started to appear on my plants. I am unsure when I should begin flushing my plants of nutes. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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    When Do Trichomes Begin To Appear?

    Jeez, that is great! Four weeks eh? I just like that sativa high a lot more. So waiting will be worth it. I am trying a couple of different strains next however, that are sativa dominant, but have flowering times of about ten weeks. At this point, my plants are nine weeks into flowering, and...
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    When Do Trichomes Begin To Appear?

    Well, I hope I get a good yield out of this. I hear the wait will be well worth it....but it sure does take a long time.
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    When Do Trichomes Begin To Appear?

    I am growing what I thought was NYCSD. I however, have reason to believe that may not be what it is. Whatever I have though is a really, really sativa heavy breed. They are also taking a long time to flower. So I don't know how long the flowering time will ultimately be. Right now though, I am...
  7. S

    Is There a Way to Set up a Self Watering System?

    I am in the middle of a flowering cycle for my plants. I am finishing up a real meat-grinder of a summer course and would like to go on a backpacking trip for about four days. There is no-one who lives near to me, and who I trust enough to water my plants while I am gone. The longest my plants...
  8. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    Yep it is the light you have asked about. I am ultra-positive I have no light leakage. I have physically gotten inside of the closet and had my wife pin up the curtain blocking the door just like it is during dark time, and it was darker than floating in the farthest vacuum of space. I...
  9. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    I opened up my closet and notices that my plants have finally started to bud! I probably would have recognized it sooner if I had more experience. This is my first grow however, so I guess I thought they were just new fan leaves that were forming. At any rate, here are some pics.
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    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    Yep. Anyways...what choice do I have?
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    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    The other thing about these plants is the way that they continue to stretch. In seven weeks, they are already four times bigger than when I turned them and still stretching fast. I have bent them both way over and anchored them to the floor with a big rock, and am anchoring them to the wall so...
  12. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    I have definitely noticed an increase in pistils now, but there is nothing that is looking like buds yet. I am almost through with the seventh week of flowering. My light is a 400 watt light.
  13. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    They are under a four hundred watt light. I am using Advanced Nutrients: sensi bloom 1 and 2; F-1; H-2; Big Bud and Bud Candy.
  14. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    I read of oen guy growing a sativa that took seventeen weeks to fully flower. I guess what I am wondering is even if it takes twelve weeks or more...after six weeks, should I be seeing any more than just a couple of pistols coming from the nodes. I have ordered some more seeds (different...
  15. S

    8 Sour diesel, about to go 12/12 flowering, tips?

    I am curious how long the total flowering time for this grow was. I am growing two NYCSD plants and they are taking forever to flower. I am into my sixth week of flower, and there is very little. My plants are sativa as fuck with razor thin leaves. I would love to know how long your plants took.
  16. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    Yeah, they are on for 12/12. I know there are no light leaks. I checked and checked several times to make sure. I'll try what the other poster said, and reduce my lighting to 6/18. I'm getting pretty discouraged with this, so I'm willing to try just about anything that sounds reasonable.
  17. S

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    This is my first grow. I got the seeds on a trade from some dude I met in class. I have read elsewhere that SD doesnt' come in seeds. So I am unsure of whether or not I actually have SD seeds. that being said; whatever they are...from the plants are sativa as fuck. The problem...
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    Question about 'Scrogging' My Grow

    Never mind - I found a great post about it by scroggmonster.
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    Question about 'Scrogging' My Grow

    I am thinking about applying netting to my grow. I have some time before it will become necessary to do it (should I decide to do it). My question is this: Once I put my netting up, so I need to do a daily manipulation of the growing shoots into the different holes in the netting? Or does the...
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    Yield per Square Meter

    Sorry - I guess I didn't ask my question clearly. I know about conversion rates between metric and Standard systems. What I am wondering is why yield is measured in terms of square meters, and not in terms of...oh say...the height of the plant. For example, I am doing my first grow in