Two Plants per Pot?


I let my plants get to a little under six feet in my little 3 x 4 grow area, and I grow them in three gallon pots. Even at that height, the root structure is only using up maybe half of the soil area. So I am wondering what will happen if I double up each pot with two plants.

1) Will the roots duke it out with each other for dominance and affect the outcome of one or both plants? Or should I put some kind of a separator in the middle of the pot to keep the roots separate?

2) Should I just go with smaller pots instead?

2) Should I just stay the course with one plant per three gallong pot?

Thanks for any insights.


bud bootlegger
three gallon pots are a good size for one plant.. i wouldn't really recomend trying to put more than one plant in a pot. i think that you are right on about them fighting for dominance if you put two in one pot.. not only that, but what would happen if one of them turned out to be a male...
best of luck with your grow.. keep it green..


Active Member
i have grown 2 in one and didnt have to many concerns and the yeild was just as good as the one plant one pot course i do hydro now and dont have many probs as long as i have nutes and right ph gets a lil crowded and need more light in the middle but it does fine also if one gets sick they bolth get it so if you have to do it. if not get sep pots for all of them .


Well-Known Member
I once tried growing 16 clones with 3 gallon pots at 4 per pot. I'm never doing that again. They ended up stretching pretty bad. There were some that were being overshadowed by their neighboring sisters that were somewhat taller and since they weren't in seperate pots I couldn't rearrange them to shed more light on the shorties. The stretching ended up screwing me because some of the plants got too close to the lights, heat stressed, and pushed out seeds. It was by far the worst harvest I ever had... ever.

It could have just been a random bad round but it was enough of a waste of time that I'll never try it again. If it's not broke, don't fix it. 1 plant per pot.

My recipe: Advanced Nutrients 3 part, Rhizotonic or Roots Excelurator, Thrive Alive B-1, Bud Blood, Overdrive, and Big Bud or Kool Bloom, plus clearex or final phase for flush. General Hydroponics 3 part, despite being old school, still works really great if you can't get Advanced Nutrients. I'm dropping AN since it's been disappearing from all the local grow shops and trying the Lucas Formula this round.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
I do 2 plants per pot, my dad does a LOT more. I was just visiting him this past weekend, and he had about 10 per pot (looked like 7 gallon pots) SOG. I shook my head and said "Damn", he pulls it off though.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I've been doing 2 plants per 4 gallon buckets for quite a few op's with no problems.
Dutch Passion White Widow
SubCool's soil recipe with a few extras
Age old organics nutes, Super thrive, Molasses.
Aquarium water Ph'd to 6.5

As far as finding a male in the plants - no problem, I just cut them at the soil line (the bucket on the right had a Herm that was removed & the roots remain) and again with zero negative effects.

Thats my experience.

