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  1. luvthe420

    What causes the tips of buds to stretch?

    thanks alot widowman! info i wanted to hear.
  2. luvthe420

    What causes the tips of buds to stretch?

    finally got my shit together. here are a couple of pictures, if you can believe, identical strains. even the one that had budded started getting little growths at the tip. thanks for your help
  3. luvthe420

    What causes the tips of buds to stretch?

    i need some big time help with this issue pleeeeeze. i have plants on their 4th generation that always had short,stocky buds. this time, even on some of the stocky buds, the middle has begun to grow in an outstretched manner, like it was starting to veg again, only that this growth looks a...
  4. luvthe420

    Crock Pot Canna Butter

    Well i finally decided to do something with my 4oz of trim, (no leaf) and since i have a crockpot which i never use, it was time. i went with aztroz proportions, except for the ganj! i smoke alot, and have never really felt anything from what little i have eaten, so i wanted to go a little...
  5. luvthe420

    Need help sexing my plants

    here's what i think picture 1 looks like a male. looks like the upper node has a sack on it. picture 2 i can't tell. picture 3 looks like a female with hairs coming out of the calyx
  6. luvthe420

    What soil to buy ????????????

    i am on my second grow and use fox farm ocean, botanicare pro grow/pro bloom mixed with liquid karma. the hydro store recommended this and it worked great.
  7. luvthe420

    Big Flies, Harmless? Counter-Attack?

    i have a fly swatter tennis racket which zaps them the second they touch it. works great with gnats. you can have fun and tackle the problem at the same time. sometimes they pop like firecrackers.
  8. luvthe420

    They are dying

    cady i don't think your picture uploaded properly. you know what they say, if it ain't broke............... i feel your pain. i wish i could offer you a solution but i would've also just flushed.
  9. luvthe420

    Hey guys got some questions about flowering

    i'm no pro or anything but when i hear 2 weeks into flowering, that is from the time the lights are changed to flower mode (12/12). i have some right now that are 10 days into flowering and there are little buds beginning to form everywhere. i use foxfarm soil with botanicare pro gro/pro bloom...
  10. luvthe420

    Removing Males?

    I don't want to go against the grain but on my first grow which i am doing now, check this out: day 1: change to 12/12 day 4: no sign of males yet and leave town for 2 1/2 days day 7: easily pick out the males and pull them. day 8: leave town for 2 days and surprisingly come back and find...
  11. luvthe420

    Are there online seedbanks who will deliver to the Philippines

    check the online seed banks. alot of them deliver worldwide.
  12. luvthe420

    Whats wrong with her?

    hey toss check out the section for plant problems. there is a post from justatoker which can probably help you out. good luck
  13. luvthe420

    Pics at 3 weeks, and 6 weeks(leaves yellowing on bottom) Lots of pics.

    i would respond if i knew what was happennin' , someone will pull thru
  14. luvthe420

    Root Submerging

    also pretty new but i think i can help you. i would never keep the roots submerged. roots grow when they go "looking" for water, and it is best to let the plant dry before you water. when using soil, stick your finger 2 or 3 inches into the soil, if it feels dry, then it needs watering. as...
  15. luvthe420

    How does this weed look

    wait a minute, the sticky costs less than the regular? i have never been to kentucky but your numbers sound way low. are you sure we are talking the crippy?
  16. luvthe420

    What quality bud would you say this is

    BUt could i sell this stuff for like 15 a gram? Or less or more? just smoke it
  17. luvthe420

    24hrs of light durring veg?

    another newbie here as you will see with my question. when i started clones about 10 days ago, i was told to keep the t5 on for 24 by the guy who sold me it. now i am moving them to veg and 18/6. is this going to hurt them? and i don't think this is a problem but my 12/12 cycle started an...
  18. luvthe420

    og kush seedlings PICS

    they look fine in my opinion. hard to tell much at this point other than they appear to be pointing to the sun. where are you going to grow these?
  19. luvthe420

    beginner question about sexing

    Thanks a lot mike. Just what I was hoping for. Peace
  20. luvthe420

    beginner question about sexing

    hello people. this site is freakin' awesome but i have not been able to locate my answer-probably from operator error. i am doing my first indoor grow with a 1000hps. i know that this is a flowering type light but has worked great in my 5x5 closet. my question is...i just switched to 12/12 3...