Root Submerging

Hey I am a newbie and all I want to know is whether or not a plant will live if the roots are submerged under water?

I have seen other plants do it without any problem and I just wanted to know whether or not cannabis will live. I am thinking that if the plants have a constant light source and a constant flow of water, they will grow just fine.

Then again I am a newbie which is why i want to ask you guys.

Thanks in advance.


also pretty new but i think i can help you. i would never keep the roots submerged. roots grow when they go "looking" for water, and it is best to let the plant dry before you water. when using soil, stick your finger 2 or 3 inches into the soil, if it feels dry, then it needs watering. as far as the constant light source, there are differing opinions on this, but 18 hours should do you fine.


Active Member
its ok to have them submerged but they need air...throw some airstones at the bottom with a nice pump and let it fly...those roots will be happy...good luck.


Well-Known Member
Deep Water Culture - submerge your roots constantly in an oxygen-rich nutrient solution.

Never worry about over/under watering again. Roots grow rapidly. Roots grow MASSIVELY. Plant follows roots, grows massively as well.

But that's for that type of hydro. For soil, water-logged roots are a bad thing.