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  1. D

    OMG i think it's a hermie! :(

    also i cant grow in the garden as i live in england and its a class B drug now :(:(:(
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    OMG i think it's a hermie! :(

    damn, it was ncie and big with loads and loads of branches and lots of pistols etc :( smells sooo nice too :( think i can just smoke it now? lol
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    OMG i think it's a hermie! :(

    i dont know what happened that turned it hermie. i treat all my plants exactly the same and im now worried that my other may turn hermie too :(
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    OMG i think it's a hermie! :(

    heart breaking to hear but i know its true :( thats a pic of it! is it worth me taking the chance them both being hermie or just keeping the female, what will i get mroe week from?
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    OMG i think it's a hermie! :(

    ok so basically for some reason one of my girls has started to sprout small pods. its about in its 2nd -3rd week of flowering and this has only just appeared its about 4ft tall now. i have another girl in there also. im trying to pull off the pods but im worried i havent got them all. will it...
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    well i was thinking of getting much smaller lights to place near the bottoms to get a better yield. what lights do you suggest which will not generage any more heat!
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    thank u very much simpsonsampson. i will keep this thread updated when my babies get better. also the plant in question is about 20 inches but the other 2 are about 10 inches. when shall i flower? as i really dont want to flower the big one before the other two as i only have 1 tent. is it ok to...
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    well there is a hole with a pull cord on top for an exhaust which i use my extractor fan on and one at the lower left hand side. there are also vents at each side and back at the base of the tent which have optional covers (i keep the vents open). i dont actually take any hot ait out to be...
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    thank you everyone. im really hoping it is over fert because i have repotted a few days ago doing a 70% john innes no 2 and 30% miracle grow. but the plants seem to be thriving in the new soil untill now. there is 100% nothing under the leaves and the dots do not have any powder substance on...
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    nope nothing at all under any leaves. the marks dont brush off and i can see the markes slightly on the leaf from the bottom so im ruling out mold etc. im really hoping this may be nute damage or something. i have three plants growing and this is the only plant which is showing the white dots...
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    White Spots on New and Old Leaves but No Sign of Damage

    Here is a picture of my plant's leaf and it has white spots. these have come pretty much in 24 hours and dont know why. i recently game them a very small amount of biobizz grow nutes. about 1-2ml mixed with 1L of water. any ideas?
  12. D

    Yellowing Spotted Plants!

    im having similar problems but i have no access to hydro shops in my area (england is crap for that) does anyone know any net sites i can get a good veg nute from? also here is a very noobie question but how do i measure ppm?
  13. D

    lighting time for hps light in veg

    well im not really fussed about electricity to be honest :P but yeah ill give it a try thank you
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    lighting time for hps light in veg

    i have a 600w hps light in a grow tent in my room, tent is 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m and i have the light about 1.5 foot away from the tallest plant and currently veging in 24 hours of light. it this ok or shouod i be doing like 22/2
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    problems when i started to use a grow tent

    anyone able to help? i have never ph''d the water, could this be a problem as i live nere the docks? in southampton in england. also does any1 know of any good nutes i can get and a cheap ph kit?
  16. D

    problem: indoor lowryders

    im growing for the first time too. having small problems. but i have a 17" plant that i have grown from a seed i found in some weed i brought LOL its so far doing well but the stem isnt all that strong though. good luck with your plants though, from what i have read it looks like either nute...
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    problems when i started to use a grow tent

    I'm using a homebox xl with a 600w light with a fan which blows directly onto the light bulb to keep things cool. i have three plants, one is showing some problems. i have only had these plants in the tent for a few days now. im keeping all three in veg as one is bigger than the other two and...
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    never grown before and need advice

    ok that has helped alot thank you :) still slightly confused with spraying and watering the plants with nutes etc. regarding how often tospray them and how often to water them
  19. D

    never grown before and need advice

    ok so here is what i have 1 x homebox xl 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m 1 x 600w hps grow light (ballast incl) 1 x carbon fan kit as this is my first grow i want to start basic and small but its always nice to get good results first time around, which is what i need your help for. i have 4 plants 1 is 3"...