problems when i started to use a grow tent


I'm using a homebox xl with a 600w light with a fan which blows directly onto the light bulb to keep things cool.

i have three plants, one is showing some problems. i have only had these plants in the tent for a few days now. im keeping all three in veg as one is bigger than the other two and i want to bug them all at the same time.

problems: tip curling, up and down. leaves dont feel very fresh and have a slight darker colour and i have a stem at the top which has grown out one side but not the other. shown in a pic.

plant 1: 17"
plant 2: 8"
plant 3: 6"

i will upload some pics of the problems in plant 1

does anyone have any ideas? my first thought was heat but the heat in there is not hot at all. i have the light about a foot away from the plant (biggest plant)

i just use some basic soil from my local hardware store and i have used 3 drips of baby bio for nutes mixed with a pint of water.

also does anyone know where i can get cheap nutes and a ph kit from?

thanks for any help provided

sorry about picture quality only cam i have is on my phone.


anyone able to help? i have never ph''d the water, could this be a problem as i live nere the docks? in southampton in england. also does any1 know of any good nutes i can get and a cheap ph kit?


Well-Known Member
Just go buy a few gallons of distilled water and try that. Its pretty neutral as far as the ph goes and see if that straightens up your leaves.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i agree flood the pots with distilled water, then move them to a bigger pot with dolomite lime in it, it acts as a ph buffer of sorts, for a cheap ass test you can pick up some ph drops or strips at home depot fo get you in the ballpark as far as ph is concerned then you can use vinegar or lemon juice to bring it down


Active Member
well u say you live in england go to homebase, dobbies, b&q,wilkinsons pick a proper probe 1 up for about 15 pound that will last u then one have to keep topping up wive strips then


New Member
you don't need to top off soil lol... yeah check the pH, are you using nutrients? you only need nutrienss once every 3 waterings with soil.


Active Member
anyone able to help? i have never ph''d the water, could this be a problem as i live nere the docks? in southampton in england. also does any1 know of any good nutes i can get and a cheap ph kit?
there ya go answered ur own question.. PH problem bro.. had that happen to me ..