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  1. C

    grow tent exhaust and intake 6inch and 4inch

    You always want the larger fan exhausting the hot air out and the smaller fan bringing in the fresh air. This is so that there is negative air pressure in the tent and no nasty odors will sneak out anywhere, the only air leaving the tent goes through your fan and odor control system.
  2. C

    Newbies please read this ultra important information!!!!!

    LMAO - I wonder if my pet deposit will cover that? Pet skunks would be pretty good security too, can't imagine anyone breaking INTO a place full of skunks!
  3. C

    I need some help from expierienced commercial growers

    8 or 9 (strain dependant) coliseums harvesting one each week.
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    NEED Help on lights T5 +box design... building TODAY!!!!

    Nice to have talented friends that you can trust. :) I've only vegged with T5's so I can't help you with your question, sorry. I know my first instinct would be to consider two hps lamps.
  5. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    Didn't realize you'd been given a replacement filter, good on your shop for that. To finish off this crop perhaps a "Y" in the exhaust line so enough of the filtered air goes out of the room to cool the lights and the rest is pumped back into the room to reduce the smell within the room. Using...
  6. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    If the filter itself is to blame it would likely be that the level of carbon doesn't quite come to the top and some smelly air sneaks past the top as this is where the pressure is the greatest (closest to the fan). A cheap and simple way to rule that out would be to undo the top strap holding...
  7. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    might just be a case of the foliage cooling down with the inrush of cooler liquid
  8. C

    Kloset Grow Box ;)

    Nice job on the cfl's, that box just made a huge step up in performance. As you mentioned this will increase the heat, and this would be a good time to address the ventilation. I'd make the existing exhaust hole into your new intake hole and light proof it without restricting the airflow too...
  9. C

    Info about Attitude's Christmas Deal...

    Looking forward to tasting the kandy kush and kushberry crosses myself.
  10. C

    SOG? how many plants under my 400W?

    I'm curious, if the growth rate is slower in soil than in aero, why would you need more plants to fill the canopy in the same time when going aero?
  11. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    I apologize for the length of this post but it's hard to diagnose this long distance. I really feel for the stress you must be experiencing. I would immediately disconnect the ducting to the attic and scrub the air in the room. It will tell you right away if your filter is working and will end...
  12. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    I'd blast that attic with ozone.
  13. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    Are you running the fan continuously 24/7? If it is turning off by thermostat or something then that will allow the smell to escape from the room through every little crack. Is your intake on the side of the house where the smell is strong? When it is running, take a lighter or joint and test...
  14. C

    Turn a Closet into a gold mine Growset up, plan, I am detrimed

    A second fan as an intake is nice but may not be necessary to control your temps.
  15. C

    SOG? how many plants under my 400W?

    4 plants per sq foot just needs well rooted clones or a few days veg in many cases. With one per square foot you have to decide based on your room dimensions and lighting what size you want the plants to finish at.
  16. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    My filter is 3' tall and only has a 8" fan on it for comparison. With this combo I've been able in the past to vent a coliseum grow directly into a home with zero detectable odor even by other growers - although it wasn't skunk.
  17. C

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    Can you slow your fans down to give the air more time in contact with the carbon? That is likely going to make the biggest difference. Make sure the seal between the filter and the fan is completely airtight as well.
  18. C

    SOG? how many plants under my 400W?

    What you really want to do is decide on your strain then find what plant spacing works best with it, but it's common to run up to 4 per square foot and some people do more. Your spacing is quite reasonable with an appropriate strain and pruning technique.
  19. C

    Closet ebb n flow Setup

    Those roots look great! The little puddles are fine, the roots suspended above them get all the o2 needed, similar to a nft system. You could still give a gentle dose of h2o2 as a preventative measure if you have a concern about the one plant though, as long as you aren't running any organics...
  20. C

    Turn a Closet into a gold mine Growset up, plan, I am detrimed

    I'd use an indoor/outdoor thermometer with min/max memory to keep track of the temps inside the tub while it's running, and remember to do a test run before you put your babies in.