OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

brett silva

Active Member
hey Omeds, Ive never even considered a sealed room before. So you say that if I add the C02, then I dont need to exaust? So Id have my intake of fresh air (from the bottom of the house) and C02 (which I was planning to add someday anyway) but no exaust? And this is BETTER than an exausted room?


Well-Known Member
Yes it's better, way better.
You have complete control over the environment that way and it stays perfectly clean and free of bugs unless you bring them in yourself.
Look into a tankless water heater for the co2 if the grow is big enough to warrant the expense. Look into environment controllers when you have that kind of cash.

If money is tight there are cheap way to do things too but at any rate you just seal up the room completely. I am not sure you have it fully lined with plastic and taped and sealed enough to call it sealed now or how would you explain the smell... Every inch of seams in plastic should be sealed tight with quality tape that doesn't come loose later and it should be like a balloon with a door.


New Member
heres natural co2 the link

Welcome to our FAQ page, here are some questions we seem to get asked a lot, if you have a question that is not listed on this page please feel free to contact us.

1. How large of a room does it work for?

Co2Boost isn't made or built to sustain ppms (parts per million) in larger rooms. Co2Boost IS made to distribute all-natural Co2 directly to your indoor garden. Through extensive testing we have found that DIRECT co2 distribution is extremely beneficial to plant growth and health. (Check our visual how-to guide for details on direct co2 distribution)

Therefore our product is unique in the fact that it doesn't work by raising ppm levels, it works by distributing Co2 directly to your plants. So to answer your question, Co2Boost is made for any room size, because we work on a "plant-by-plant" basis as opposed to measuring ppm levels.

2. How much Co2 is coming out of the bucket?

Each bucket is a living organism so there is no definitive answer to this question. Depending on your ppm monitor our buckets have read anywhere from 3000-5000 ppms of consistent co2 flow upon activation. However, as stated in question one, our product is not meant to be measured in ppms, it's meant to be distributed directly to your plants and measured by the improved health and quality of your garden.

3. What's in the bucket and how does it work?

Co2Boost works from a combination of all-natural ingredients from the compost arena. Those ingredients are mixed and placed in the bucket where the Co2 is then naturally created. The pump is inserted into the bucket and our all-natural Co2 is released to your plants.

4. How long does it last?

Our product lasts at least 60 days if used constantly. If you coordinate our product with a timer to coincide with your lights on/lights off phase, it will last you 75-90 days. We suggest one bucket per growing cycle to be safe.

5. Can I use the bucket temporarily and then store it for later use?

No, once the bucket is activated it has a maximum life of 90 days, after that we suggest purchasing a fresh bucket.

6. Does it smell?

No, even though it's a 100% organic product it is completely odorless.

7. Is it available in retail stores?

Yes! Please check our retail map to see if Co2Boost is available in your area. If it's not available ask your local retailer to carry Co2Boost to cut down on your shipping costs.

8. What's the best way to distribute the Co2?

Please check our visual how-to guide for details and tips on set-up.

9. Can too much Co2 be harmful to my plants or pets?

The answer is yes, but our product does not produce enough Co2 to be harmful in any reasonable sized growing areas. However, if you are growing in an area as small as a 2x2x2, make sure you put our bucket on a timer to minimize your Co2 output.

10. Are there any other ingredients or dangerous gases contained in the bucket?

No, our ingredients are 100% all-natural and harmless. As a matter of fact once your bucket has expired you can open the bucket and use the remaining ingredients as high grade fertilizer!


Active Member
No, I'm saying IF your expensive filter can't keep up with the smell, then I doubt if the do-it-yourself ones can cut it either.

I agree with the sealed room for odor control. If you want to control odor, you must control the air in and out. That means plastic, mylar etc. surrounding entire enclosure, except a duct in, and a duct out. If there is too much smelly air for the fan/filter to handle, you can turn it down, or even off, if necessary.

I like the idea of closing it completely, and adding co2, at least once in a while.


New Member
Might be a dumb question but you do have the fan mounted the right way...airflow in the right direction

I got a 10 inch mounted to the can sucks the heat out of my house


brett silva

Active Member
Hey vapedg13, NEVER a dumb question with something is serious as this. I checked that last week. I disconnected the fan and the room got real hot and real stinky REAL fast. Also, I noticed the fins in the fan were spinning counterclockwise.

brett silva

Active Member
Gentlemen, as many of you know/remember I have been battling some serious odor for about a month now. Quick refresher: First grow, six plants (Shavia Shunk #1), currently in week 6 of flowering, a 14" vent fan (on its lowest setting) sitting on top of a BRAND NEW Can Filter 2500 exiting UP into my attict via ducting. This is all in a 10"x10"x12" SEALED room with PLENTY of negative pressure. Oh and 30-40% humity and never above 80 degrees.

The grow room smells fine (when the fan is on) , although the odor that is shooting up into the attict leaks out of my attict vents down onto my front porch and front yard.

This shouldnt be happening at all. Not with all the good stuff I have. Even my guys at the Hydro shop dont know why. So:

from everyone who has contributed to my thread here at Rollit Up, ya'll have showed me that basically I have 3 choises.

A- Get a scrubber for the grow room, $600-

B- Get an ozone gen $200

C- or cut off my exaust, use my 14" vent fan and 2500 filter as my scrubber , and seal up the room adding an AC unit and Co2.

It looks like I will do the scrubber and not the ozone, because I heard that you can actually smell the ozone. And I dont want to plug up the room because I dont want to hassle with Co2 tanks.

So stay with my here guys, cuz HERE is my question:

I water my girls everyother day ok, and I have noticed that IMMEDIATELY AFTER i water them, that the odor STOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? And it stops for a few hours!!!???? AND i noticed the odor seems to peak the day BEFORE I water them!!!??

I have never heard of this before. Gentlemen, this is no coincidence.
What is the cooralation between the flowering cannibus' odor and water (with nutes) ???

Thank you very very much in advance

brett silva

Active Member
really? Nothin?

What is the connection between watering your plants and killing temporarily killing their odor?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
The skunk died under the dirt in one of the pots and water covers his smell. :)
Beats the fuck out of me man. I don't have a clue any more.


If the filter itself is to blame it would likely be that the level of carbon doesn't quite come to the top and some smelly air sneaks past the top as this is where the pressure is the greatest (closest to the fan).

A cheap and simple way to rule that out would be to undo the top strap holding the prefilter on and roll the filter down about 1/3 of the way, then take plastic film wrap (saran wrap or similar) and wrap the exposed portion of the filter to force the air to go through the lower portion of the filter. Then just roll the filter back up and run the fan dialled way down to see if things improve.

When the carbon is getting used up in a filter this can be done to get a little more life out of the remaining carbon till you can get a refill. The carbon at the top gets used up quicker due to the higher pressure sucking more air through it than at the bottom of the filter.

brett silva

Active Member
If the filter itself is to blame it would likely be that the level of carbon doesn't quite come to the top and some smelly air sneaks past the top as this is where the pressure is the greatest (closest to the fan).

A cheap and simple way to rule that out would be to undo the top strap holding the prefilter on and roll the filter down about 1/3 of the way, then take plastic film wrap (saran wrap or similar) and wrap the exposed portion of the filter to force the air to go through the lower portion of the filter. Then just roll the filter back up and run the fan dialled way down to see if things improve.

When the carbon is getting used up in a filter this can be done to get a little more life out of the remaining carbon till you can get a refill. The carbon at the top gets used up quicker due to the higher pressure sucking more air through it than at the bottom of the filter.

thanks for this info Choch. Interesting because I could put my hand on the filter and feel the bottom of it sucking ALOT more than at the top. However this is my second BRAND NEW filter within the last 30 days so Im sure the filter(s) are good.

The shop is telling me now to buy a Mountain Air filter. That fucker is almost $600!! Not worth it to me for only 6 plants


Well-Known Member
Plant a bunch of marigolds near your front door, and change strains after this run, if you can endure the agony. Simple as that. I had a strain that did the same thing once. Shiva Skunk...Oh yea..wrong strain. Try Northern Lights #5 next round. You'll Love it!! Best of luck..been there, done that. Stay cool :)

brett silva

Active Member
ClosetGrowth, thank you VERY much! Ya man, no more of this skunk strain for me!

It has been great and very very very forgiving due to my MANY MANY rookie mistakes, however the girls just stink so fucking TREMENDOUSLY !!!

Ok then, for my round 2, NL#5 it is!! :)

thanks again everyone very very much for your time and 411



Didn't realize you'd been given a replacement filter, good on your shop for that.

To finish off this crop perhaps a "Y" in the exhaust line so enough of the filtered air goes out of the room to cool the lights and the rest is pumped back into the room to reduce the smell within the room. Using one fan/filter to do the job of two, a scrubber and an exhaust setup.

Just an idea, good luck with the rest of your grow! Would sure love to smoke some of that stinky harvest with you. :)

brett silva

Active Member
Didn't realize you'd been given a replacement filter, good on your shop for that.

To finish off this crop perhaps a "Y" in the exhaust line so enough of the filtered air goes out of the room to cool the lights and the rest is pumped back into the room to reduce the smell within the room. Using one fan/filter to do the job of two, a scrubber and an exhaust setup.

Just an idea, good luck with the rest of your grow! Would sure love to smoke some of that stinky harvest with you. :)
ooooh, interesting. I never considered bringing the bad air back into the room. So basically I can use my current filter/fan as the scrubber as well. Hmmm, I will look more into this. Thanks again Choch!!!!